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LeBow News
Ben Kay node

Drexel LeBow alumnus Benjamin Kay uses basketball for social change by founding the Treasure Beach Jamaican Youth Basketball Camp.

Drexel LeBow student Kayla Bride

Kayla Bride, a junior marketing major, won $2,500 through the Philly Ad Club Foundation's Philly’s Future Scholarship Competition.

LeBow students pose for a photo at SAP's New York City offices

LeBow students who participated in the August 20 trip to New York City, organized by Undergraduate Career Services, came away with new perspectives.

Branding 101

Today more than ever, the companies and organizations that are paying close attention to their brand and the experience it offers in the marketplace are the ones who are winning wallet share, market share, and customer admiration share.

Brad on Screen

Stock exchange news startup Cheddar’s unconventional ways work well for Bradley Smith '12, who says working with an organization with such an atypical approach is exactly where he wants to be. 

Blerta Hima, Sijie Lee, Adam Yormark and Jon Corbin

Who needs team chemistry? The 2018 Undergraduate Dragon Datathon's winning team met for the first time right before the competition.

LeBow Students Amalya Boulajouahel Bianca Fernandes and Laura Sturzenegger

After winning first place at the L'Oreal Brandstorm Case Competition, a team of undergraduates represented Drexel and the U.S. at the finals in Paris.

Daniel Korschun

Daniel Korschun, associate professor of marketing and Stephen Cozen Research Scholar in Marketing, received a Fulbright award to conduct research in Italy.

SELAH girls

Lotus Barron is busy as a double major in marketing and business analytics, but she takes time twice a year to lead educational discussion sessions with girls from Southwest Philadelphia.

Marketing Professor Elea Feit

Assistant Professor of Marketing Elea Feit won a $25,000 grant from Adobe's University Marketing Research Awards Program for her research into improving A/B testing methods.

Meter with faces showing different emotions

Associate Professor of Marketing Daniel Korschun and co-authors examined how customer and employee pairs influence one another as they form a relationship.

SEPTA's Kim Scott Heinle

SEPTA's customer service leader, Kim Scott Heinle, MBA '94 spoke with students about the vital role of analytics and social media in meeting customer needs.

Marketing traits

Clinical Professor Michael Howley shares the top 5 traits marketing executives are looking for in potential employees.

Mike Edwards, former CEO of Borders and eBags, addresses Drexel LeBow students.

Mike Edwards, former CEO of Borders and eBags, shared stories and advice for success in business with several classes of Drexel LeBow undergraduates.