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Creating and Adding a Speaker to your Event

The first step in adding a speaker to your event is gathering all of your speaker’s information. This includes a brief bio that they have approved being added to the site, a headshot, and their job title along with the company/institution they are associated with. Once you have this information, follow this guide to get your speaker on your event.

  1. While creating your event (or editing if you’ve already created it), you’ll notice a Speakers section within the event form.
    • If they are current LeBow faculty, staff, or PhD student, you can type their name and their professional headshot and self-submitted bio will be added to your event.
    • If they are not, you’ll have to create a basic bio. Proceed to step 2.
  2. Click the ‘create new one’ link in the text description associated with the Speaker field (make sure you open it in a new tab or you’ll lose any changes you’ve made to your event form).
    • Add your speaker’s name as the Name of the page.
    • Provide a short description about your speaker (please adhere to the 155 characters or less policy).
    • Add your speaker’s job title and current company in the corresponding field.
    • Add your speaker’s approved bio to the Bio section.
    • Upload a headshot – portrait photos are preferred.
      • please note these photos cannot be made larger or smaller in code. If your photo looks too small, upload a larger high quality photo
  3. Add your new speaker to the Speakers section by typing the name in the field.
Have Questions?

Cassidy Novzen

Assistant Director, Web and Data Solutions

(215) 895-1492

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 557