BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9fc764ef00c30d784cfafca615016b48 DTSTAMP:20240504T070543Z SUMMARY:Drexel LeBow's Inaugural Real Estate/Finance NYC Networking Event DESCRIPTION: \n\nAttention NYC alumni who work in either real estate or fin ance! Drexel\nLeBow has launched the Real Estate/Management Development ma jor and\nwants to connect with you. We will be coming to NYC on Thursday\, May\n17 with 25 of our top students who are ready to network with you! Th is\nevent is co-sponsored by Undergraduate Career Services\, the Finance\n department and Alumni Relations.\n\nPlease join Dean Paul Jensen\, Ph.D.\, Drexel alumni and undergraduate\nstudents at the inaugural Drexel LeBow R eal Estate/ Finance New York\nNetworking Reception.\n\nMichael Gombola\, P hD\, professor and department head of finance of\nLeBow College of Busines s\, will provide closing remarks.\n\nPlease RSVP by May 11 to Lisa DeLuca at or\n215.895.1256\n\nCurrent Students: Students n eed to complete an application [/NYtrip]\nif they wish to participate in t his trip.\n DTSTART:20180517T213000Z DTEND:20180517T233000Z LOCATION:View of the World Terrace Club\, 140 Washington Street\, New York\ , NY 10006 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR