BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6ddb9bbfa333c887952793f30674e647 DTSTAMP:20240921T005345Z SUMMARY:Spring 2019 MBA Decision Day – New and Transfer Students DESCRIPTION: \n\nInterested in starting your MBA this Spring 2019? Both onl ine and\ncampus Part-Time MBA Programs offer a cohort for Spring 2019.\n\n Now is the time to get started with your MBA\, and we’ve made it\neasier for you to apply. You can meet with us on any Decision Day\nlisted below and receive an on-the-spot admissions decision for the\nSpring 2019 term.\ n\nTransfer students are invited to attend and determine transfer\ndecisio ns\, as well as potential transfer credit opportunities.\n\nDecision Days are a unique opportunity meet with admissions staff and\nlearn everything you need to get started. We are available to meet at\nany time that works best for you and your busy schedule.\n\nIf you can’t meet us in person\, we are happy to conduct your review\nvia phone or Skype. Please be sure y ou have submitted all relevant\napplication documents prior to your meetin g. After you register\, email\nKate Sonstein at to request a phone or Skype\nmeeting.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n * GMAT/GRE Wa ivers\n * Scholarship opportunities for qualified students\n * The customi zed MBA curriculum that is built to help you reach your\ncareer goals\n * Other specialization options (i.e. graduate minors\,\nconcentrations\, etc .)\n\nHere is how to prepare for your visit:\n\n *\nComplete the online ap plication\n\n *\nYour application fee will be waived when you attend a Dec ision Day.\nYou do not need to pay the fee to submit your application.\n\n *\nIn order to get the on-site decision\, you will need to bring with you\ n(or upload into your online application):\n\n * Unofficial Transcripts fo r all previous institutions attended\n * Current Resume\n * Unofficial GMA T/GRE scores if available\n\nWe make it easy for you to elevate your caree r with a LeBow MBA. Join\nus!\n DTSTART:20190319T140000Z DTEND:20190319T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 4th Floor\, Graduate Of fice (453)\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR