BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c1dcb7809901986c497013562bdd3ade DTSTAMP:20240507T233025Z SUMMARY:Dr. Xiao Fang\, University of Delaware DESCRIPTION: \n\nTitle: A Deep Learning Approach to Industry Classification \n\nAbstract: Business researchers and practitioners often attempt to\ndiv ide firms into more homogeneous groups that bear similar\ncharacteristics. In numerous instances\, industry classification\nsystems (ICSs) have been selected to achieve this objective.\nTraditional expert-driven ICSs\, suc h as Standard Industrial\nClassification (SIC) and Global Industry Classif ication Standard\n(GICS)\, have several issues including limited granulari ty and high\ncost of maintenance. An alternative algorithm-driven approach to ICS\ninfers similarities between firms from their financial documents\ n(e.g.\, annual 10-K reports). While the algorithm-driven approach is\npro mising in circumventing the limitations faced by the expert-driven\napproa ch\, one needs to solve the challenging problem of text\nrepresentation\, that is\, how to accurately represent textual documents\nwith numerical fe atures. In this paper\, we propose a novel text\nrepresentation model base d on deep learning. The proposed model is\ncapable of handling arbitrary l ong documents with heterogeneous\nconcepts. It balances the trade-off betw een memorizing local details\nand capturing global concepts by introducing a multiplicative\nmechanism to integrate information from contexts of dif ferent scopes.\nWe further develop an ICS by applying the proposed text re presentation\nmodel to Item 1 and 1A sections of firms’ annual 10K repor ts. We\ndemonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed text representation\ nmodel by benchmarking the developed ICS against state-of-the-art\nexpert- driven and algorithm-driven ICSs.\n\nLearn more about Deep Analytics [http ://]\n\nRead more about Dr. Fang\n[https://www.udel.e du/faculty-staff/experts/xiao-fang/]\n DTSTART:20190531T143000Z DTEND:20190531T160000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 209\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR