BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:28371e9c8eac88718a1c9aeaae3b6134 DTSTAMP:20240504T193105Z SUMMARY:Search Engine Optimization (SEO) DESCRIPTION: \n\nCourse 3: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (4 sessions). T his can be\ntaken as part of the Digital Marketing Certificate\n[/academic s/executive/certificate-programs/digital-marketing-certificate]\nor it can be taken as a stand-alone course.\n\n * Understand the differences betwee n paid and organic search results\n * Learn the fundamentals of how search engines work and the major\nranking algorithm components of organic searc h\n * Explore the history of SEO and how to stay informed in a\nfast-paced industry\n * Understand how web pages can communicate with search engines in\ntheir own language\n * Identify the many types of search results and how a user’s\nsearch can change them based on consumer behavior\n * Disc over keyword research tools\, techniques\, and strategies\n * Understand h ow authority is used in ranking web pages and how to\nimprove a website’ s popularity and user experience\n * Understand how to optimize for local SEO and the differences\nbetween local and national SEO campaigns\n * Get introduced to non-traditional search engines such as Amazon\nand YouTube\n * Learn how to translate complex SEO issues into business goals for\nkey stakeholders\n\nCOURSE MEETINGS TIMES\n\n * Tuesday\, February 11\, 6 - 8: 30 pm (in-person)\n * Tuesday\, February 18\, 6 - 8:30 pm (online)\n * Tue sday\, February 25\, 6 - 8:30 pm (in-person)\n * Tuesday\, March 3\, 6 - 8 :30 pm (online)\n\n DTSTART:20200211T230000Z DTEND:20200212T013000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 409\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR