BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:79ecce76916186372917fa92cc91914d DTSTAMP:20240921T005356Z SUMMARY:Graduate Admissions Decision Day – New and Transfer Students DESCRIPTION: \n\nInterested in starting a Graduate Program this fall?\n\nTh ere is still time to start your success story this fall\, and we’ve\nmad e it easier for you to apply. You can meet with us on any Decision\nDay li sted below and receive an on-the-spot admissions decision.\n\nTransfer stu dents are invited to attend and determine transfer\ndecisions\, as well as potential transfer credit opportunities.\n\nDecision Days are a unique op portunity meet with admissions staff and\nlearn everything you need to get started. We are available to meet at\nany time that works best for you an d your busy schedule. If you\ncan’t meet us in person\, we are happy to conduct your one-on-one via\nphone or Skype. After you register\, email Ka te Sonstein at\ to request a phone or Skype meetin g.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n * GMAT/GRE Waivers\n * Scholarship opportuniti es for qualified students\n * The customized MBA curriculum that is built to help you reach your\ncareer goals\n * Other specialization options (i.e . MS degrees\, graduate minors\,\nconcentrations\, etc.)\n\nHere is how to prepare for your visit:\n\n *\nComplete the online application - ALL onli ne applications must be\nsubmitted by September 10th and prior to your app ointment.\n\n *\nYour application fee will be waived when you attend a Dec ision Day.\nYou do not need to pay the fee to submit your application.\n\n *\nIn order to get the on-site decision\, you will need to bring with you\ n(or upload into your online application):\n\n * Unofficial Transcripts fo r all previous institutions attended\n * Current Resume\n * Unofficial GMA T/GRE scores if available\n\nWe make it easy for you to elevate your caree r with a LeBow Graduate\nDegree. Join us!\n DTSTART:20190905T140000Z DTEND:20190905T220000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 4th Floor\, Graduate Of fice (453)\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR