BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b886aba110bc88c9ddffc90a42269457 DTSTAMP:20250123T200628Z SUMMARY:Wolf Kohn\, PhD DESCRIPTION: \n\nThis presentation will focus on an overview of a new appro ach to the\ndesign and implementation of distributed intelligent control\, in which\nthe dynamic knowledge about the system dynamics\, criterion and sensor\ninformation is mapped into a network of controllers\, called Cont rol\nAgents\, that collaborate to implement a desired behavior. Each of th e\nagent’s behavior is encoded in a specialized function called\nConstra ined Data Hamiltonian. A Constrained Data Hamiltonian shares\nsome of the properties with classic Hamiltonian functions in\nmechanics\, but it is es pecially formulated to operate in multiple\ndomains of applications. This presentation will overview several\napplication domains. In Cooperative Di stributed Inferencing (CDI)\, the\nnetwork of agents is dynamically synchr onized using a Mean Field\napproach based on a cooperative game strategy a mong the agents.\n\nThe presentation will be organized as follows:\n\n *\n Basic overview of CDI formulation\, including some of its formal\naspects. \n\n *\nCDI implementation architecture.\n\n *\nSelected applications over views: Microgrid Control and Management\n(TECO)\, Intelligent Inventory an d assortment planning (Microsoft\nDynamics)\, Intelligent Block Chain Dyna mic Concurrency (CrowdPoint\nTechnology).\n\nA fourth application overview \, Manufacturing of Nano Semiconductor\nCircuits\, will be included if tim e permits. The presentation will\nconclude with a list of research and dev elopment issues in CDI and\napplications.\n DTSTART:20211006T160000Z DTEND:20211006T171500Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 722\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR