BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:eca3fac4fdbf61ee92f2741e652a17e6 DTSTAMP:20240502T233044Z SUMMARY:PhD DocNet Fair at Emory University\, Goizueta Business School DESCRIPTION: \n\nLeBow College of Business PhD program will be attending se veral DocNet\nrecruitment events throughout the east coast and invite you to join us\nto answer questions about the program and the admissions proce ss.\n\nThe DocNet organization is an AACSB affiliate collation of over 100 \nuniversities granting doctoral degrees in business administration and\ne conomics. It serves to engage and educate potential students about\ncareer s in academia via fairs and events\, demystifying the degree and\ndiscussi ng its career outcomes. We will have staff and faculty on hand\nto answer your questions at a number of these events\, so if you\ncan’t attend one of our Open Houses\, look for the locations listed\nand stop by to visit us!\n\nLinks to register will take you to the sponsoring university’s\nr egistration page: DocNet Recruitment Forum - Emory University\nGoizueta Bu siness School\n[]\n \nFor more information about the Drexel\, LeBow PhD programs in Business\n and Economics\, email\n DTSTART:20221011T220000Z DTEND:20221012T003000Z LOCATION:Goizueta Business School\, 1300 Clifton Road\, 208\, Atlanta\, GA 30322 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR