BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:93a8994baf4d47e33fef69a7fd9704aa DTSTAMP:20240502T023621Z SUMMARY:Which MBA is Right for Me? DESCRIPTION: \n\nSearching for the right MBA Program? Look no further – D rexel\nUniversity’s LeBow College of Business MBA offerings include our\ naccelerated full-time program\, flexible part-time and online options\,\n and our residency-based Executive MBA. Each of our programs can be\ncustom ized to help you meet your future career goals with\nspecialization option s and individualized career coaching.\n\nJoin our team for a discussion ab out admissions requirements\, method\nof delivery\, curriculum\, customiza tion options and more. Participants\nwill have the opportunity to ask ques tions and chat with our\nadmissions team at the end of the presentation.\n \nEVENT HIGHLIGHTS:\n\n * Learn more about each of our MBA programs and de termine which is\nthe best fit for you\n * Understand what’s unique abou t the LeBow MBA experience\n * Connect with MBA admissions staff to learn more about our\nadmissions process and timing\n\n DTSTART:20221207T223000Z DTEND:20221207T233000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR