BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1bfa24d41f0f1014707a1b7f7e48b871 DTSTAMP:20241011T020039Z SUMMARY:2023 Directors Dialogue DESCRIPTION: \n\nDirectors Dialogue is an annual program that brings togeth er\nworld-renowned corporate directors and c-suite executives to engage in \ncandid discussions of key governance topics.\n\nAs the role of the publi c company director continues to evolve\, board\nmembers are often faced wi th more complex decisions and increased\ndemands on time. Directors Dialog ue continues to curate panels of the\ntop thought leaders to engage partic ipants in interactive\, high-level\ngovernance discussions. Participants h ear first-hand accounts of the\nchallenging experiences faced by fellow co rporate directors. While\nengaging with the panelists and other participan ts\, attendees gain\ninsights into the standards by which their peers over see their\nrespective boards\, as well as cutting-edge governance practice s to\ntake back to their own boards.\n\nThe annual Directors Dialogue Dinn er brings together business leaders\nand will feature a keynote discussion with thought leader William\nMcNabb III. Each year\, the dinner concludes the Directors Dialogue\nprogram. It is one of the Center for Corporate Go vernance’s\nsignature events and is considered by many to be one of the foremost\ncorporate governance events of the year.\n\nAGENDA:\n\n12 – 12 :25 p.m. _Check-in & lunch_\n\n12:25 – 12:30 p.m. _Welcome_\n\n12:30 - 1 :30 SESSION I: THE EVERCHANGING BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT: DRIVERS\nOF CHANGE A ND ASSESSMENT OF RISK\n\n_Featuring:_\n\n * SHELLEY LEIBOWITZ\, President\ , SL Advisory\; Director\, Morgan\nStanley\; Elastic\; Supply Wisdom\; Bit Sight\; NACD NY Chapter\; Member\,\nCouncil on Foreign Relations\n * DAN G ALLAGHER\, Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer\,\nRobinhood\n * DANI EL NEFF\, Co-Chairman of the Executive Committee and Partner\,\nWachtell\, Lipton\, Rosen & Katz\n * DAVID GIROUX\, Chief Investment Officer and Hea d of Investment\nStrategy\, T. Rowe Price Investment Management\n * _Moder ated by GLENN BOORAEM\, Principal\, Office of the General\nCounsel\, Vangu ard_ \n\n1:30 - 1:40 p.m. _Break_\n\n1:40 - 2:40 SESSION II: BOLD STRATEGY AND FLAWLESS EXECUTION WHILE\nMANAGING RISK\n\n_Featuring:_\n\n * DENISE DEVINE\, Founder & CEO\, FNB Holdings\, LLC\; Co-Founder\, CAO\nand CFO\, RTM Vital Signs\, LLC\; Director\, AgroFresh\; SelectQuote\nInsurance Serv ices\; Fulton Financial Corporation\n * EDWARD BREEN\, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer\,\nDuPont\; Director\, IFF\; Comcast\n * DENIS E GIBSON\, Cofounder and Chair\, Ice Mobility\; Director\, Orica\;\nVOXX I nternational Corporation\n * _Moderated by KIM ANN MINK\, PHD\, Director\, Air Liquide\; Eastman\;\nAvient Corporation_ \n\n2:40 - 2:50 p.m. _Break_ \n\n2:50 - 3:50 P.M. SESSION III: RECRUITING\, RETAINING AND REWARDING\nTA LENT\n\n_Featuring:_\n\n * RON WILLIAMS\, Chairman and CEO\, RW2 Enterpris es\, LLC\; Director\,\nWarby Parker\; Boeing\; agilon health\n * JACK “R USTY” O’KELLEY\, Managing Director\, Board & CEO\nAdvisory Partners\, Russell Reynolds Associates\; Director\, Lincoln\nCenter Theater\n * BILL STRAHAN\, Executive Vice President\, Human Resources\, Comcast\n * DEANNA BYRNE\, Managing Partner\, Philadelphia Office\, PwC\n * Moderated by TANU JA DEHNE\, President & CEO\, Dodge Foundation\;\nDirector\, Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc.\; Climate Real Impact\nSolutions II Acquisition Corp.\ n\n3:50 - 5:00 P.M. SESSION VI: SMALL GROUP SESSIONS:\n\n_Choice of:_\n\n * Role of the Board and Committees\n * Best Practices for Successful Execu tion\n * Best Practices for Communicating with Stakeholders\n\n5:00 - 6:00 P.M. COCKTAIL RECEPTION\n\n6:00 - 8:00 P.M. DIRECTORS DIALOGUE DINNER\n\n _Featuring Keynote discussion with_ WILLIAM MCNABB\, Former chair and\nCEO \, Vanguard\; Director\, UnitedHealth Group\; IBM\; Axiom\; Vanilla\;\nAlt ruist\; Nexii\; and DAWN ZIER\, Former CEO\, Nutrisystem\; Director\,\nSpi rit Airlines\; The Hain Celestial Group\; Prestige Consumer\nHealthcare.\n \n_Drexel University’s Gupta Governance Institute is a proud member of\n the NACD Education Network\n[ nnetwork]. For directors\nwho are NACD Directorship Certified\, the Direct ors Dialogue program\nprovides 5 recertification credits toward NACD Direc torship\nCertification._\n DTSTART:20230328T160000Z DTEND:20230329T000000Z LOCATION:Union League\, 140 South Broad Street\, Grant East & Grant Center rooms\, Philadelphia\, PA 19102 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR