BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bfc6d5f62d1f3bcc8135d6896b22ba4a DTSTAMP:20240908T122252Z SUMMARY:Executive MBA One-on-One Virtual Information Sessions DESCRIPTION: \n\nThinking about earning an Executive MBA? Now is the time t o get your\nquestions answered.\n\nThis event allows you to schedule a one -on-one session with the\ndirector of recruitment. This is a great opportu nity to learn more and\ndiscuss your eligibility for admission\, scholarsh ips and the upcoming\nstart time in September 2023.\n\nThe Drexel Executiv e MBA attracts leaders from executive\,\nentrepreneurial and professional backgrounds. These leaders have\nalready demonstrated a proven ability to perform at a high level. The\nDrexel Executive MBA prepares these leaders to go further — to\nbecome catalysts within their companies\, organizati ons and\ninstitutions.\n\n_Register to receive a link for the Zoom session ._\n DTSTART:20230629T130000Z DTEND:20230629T210000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR