BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0e87864a212659b1abc46b749d068abb DTSTAMP:20241201T180906Z SUMMARY:Frank Mulhern\, PhD\, Northwestern University DESCRIPTION: \n\n“SMARTPHONE USE IN RETAIL ENVIRONMENTS: SEGMENTATION BAS ED ON USAGE\nBEHAVIOR”\n\nABSTRACT \nThe smartphone is rapidly evolving into an indispensable tool for a\nsignificant portion of retail consumers. At the same time\, mobile\ndevices are increasingly being used for delive ring advertising and\npromotions. Retailers are implementing in-store tech nologies that\nintegrate mobile devices into the shopper experience. In an analysis\nof a large sample of online responses from nearly 17\,000 adult s\, this\nstudy explores the relationships between smartphone use and a va riety\nof self-reported shopping behavior and media use behaviors.\nSmartp hones are omnipresent\, but users are segmented on the basis of\nuse of sm artphone functions with respect to in-store experiences. The\ntop quintile of smartphone users\, with respect to number of functions\nused\, purchas e at higher levels and are more promotion oriented. These\nsame users more actively engaging in leisure activities. Overall\, the\nstrongest predict ors of smartphone usage are younger\, female and are\nhigh users of social media. Smartphones are at the center of the\nblending of retailing and di gital advertising in what is increasingly\nbeing called retail media. This study explores these aspects of the\nuse of smartphones in stores and fra mes them as a stepping store to\nmore immersive digital experiences at ret ail.\n DTSTART:20231010T163000Z DTEND:20231010T173000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR