BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:06ae1f07b1bdef4415f70ff31890da15 DTSTAMP:20240520T050332Z SUMMARY:DEI Speaker Series: How Brands Can Support the LGBTQIA+ Community i n a Volatile Political Environment DESCRIPTION: \n\nDaniel Korschun\, PhD\, associate professor of marketing a nd Stephen\nCozen Research Scholar at Drexel University’s LeBow College of\nBusiness\, will discuss the origins of brand activism\, current best\n practices based on the latest research and what the future may hold\,\nwit h a specific lens focused on brands supporting the LGBTQIA+\ncommunity in politically uncertain times. Bring your own views for a\nlively discussion !\n DTSTART:20240117T230000Z DTEND:20240118T003000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, 3220 Market Street\, 033 Gerri C LeBow Hall\ , Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR