BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5951c37b007fa12de0fa2360e786194c DTSTAMP:20240517T080914Z SUMMARY:Practice Interview Day Prep Workshop Session II DESCRIPTION: \n\nIf you are participating in the virtual Practice Interview Day\, it is\nhighly recommended that you attend one of two preparation wo rkshops to\nmaximize your experience.\n\nDuring Practice Interview Day\, s tudents will have an opportunity to\npractice their interview skills and r eceive feedback from industry\nprofessionals and recruiters. This online\, one-of-a-kind event will\nprovide students with the opportunity to meet v irtually with multiple\nindividuals\, who will ask various interview quest ions and use\ndifferent styles to help prepare students for future job int erviews.\n\nThere are two virtual preparation workshops: YOU CAN REGISTER FOR\nSESSION II ON THURSDAY\, JAN. 18\, FROM 12 TO 12:50 P.M. ON THIS EVEN T\nPAGE.\n\nTo register for session I on Wednesday\, Jan. 17\, from 5 to 5 :50 p.m.\,\nplease go to the link provided for that date when you register for the\nPractice Interview Day itself.\n DTSTART:20240118T170000Z DTEND:20240118T175000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR