BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e8ab161c1109588b59a6bd00261bc88a DTSTAMP:20240911T184931Z SUMMARY:Lunar New Year Celebration DESCRIPTION: \n\nKick off the Lunar New Year with a bang! Drexel and Ascend Greater\nPhiladelphia\, the largest Pan-Asian business professional membe rship\norganization with a student chapter at the LeBow College of Busines s\,\ninvite you to welcome in the Year of the Dragon!\n\nFollowing a welco me from Subir Sahu\, senior vice president for student\nsuccess at Drexel\ , and Elaine Cheong\, president of Ascend Greater\nPhiladelphia\, learn ab out Asian Pacific Islander history in\nPhiladelphia from Rob Buscher\, lec turer in University of\nPennylvania’s Asian American Studies program\, a nd Hon. Kenneth Wong\,\npresident of CIG Asia Ltd.\n\nDrexel Trustee Jerry Martin ’77 will also lead a discussion with\nJoanna Kan ’00 about her nontraditional business journey as founder\nof Blue Story\, which designs wine collections for individual and\ncorporate clients. Guests will hear from Vibhas Madan\, dean of the\nLeBow College of Business\, and Jason Fun g\, president of the Drexel\nLeBow Ascend student chapter.\n\nThen Brian E llis\, associate dean of academic programs at LeBow\, and\nFanny Chu-Fong\ , executive director of Drexel Alumni\, will wish all\nattendees happiness and prosperity with traditional red envelopes!\n\nLion dancers and drumme rs will be part of this rich program before we\nmix and mingle at the rece ption immediately following.\n DTSTART:20240215T220000Z DTEND:20240216T010000Z LOCATION:Mandell Theatre\, Creese Student Center\, 3220 Chestnut Street\, P hiladelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR