BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1ecf4c8034ead3084d5deb198e27716b DTSTAMP:20240727T051151Z SUMMARY:The Demographics of a Graying World and Market Implications DESCRIPTION: \n\nAdam Schickling\, CFA\, senior economist at Vanguard\, wil l discuss how\nfundamental shifts in demographics create challenges in con sumption\,\nsaving and investment decisions of households. This presentati on\nexplores the impact of the demographic shift toward an aging\npopulati on on future markets\, individuals and the investment landscape\nin the ye ars ahead.\n\n * Registration: 5–5:15 p.m.\n * Presentation and Discussi on 5:15–6 p.m.\n * Networking: 6–7 p.m.\n\n_Light fare and refeshments will be provided for the networking\nportion._\n DTSTART:20240411T210000Z DTEND:20240411T230000Z LOCATION:Malvern\, PA Campus\, 2 West Liberty Blvd\, 2nd Floor\, Malvern\, PA 19355 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR