BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b156fe4216e82caff0cbe67f75137070 DTSTAMP:20240727T105626Z SUMMARY:LeBow Graduate Admissions Virtual Drop-In Hours DESCRIPTION: \n\nWhether you’re about to start your application\, you’v e just\nsubmitted it or you’ve been accepted\, we invite you to drop in to\nour virtual event to speak with the Drexel LeBow Graduate Student\nSer vices Enrollment team.\n\nLearn more about:\n\n * Applying to the LeBow Co llege of Business.\n * Scholarship opportunities for qualified candidates. \n * The customizable MBA curriculum\, including our Accelerated\nFull-Tim e MBA.\n * Our extensive portfolio of specialized MS business programs.\n * STEM-designated programs and concentrations.\n * Other specialization op tions\, including graduate minors\,\nconcentrations and more.\n * Experien tial learning opportunities\, such as internships\,\nconsulting projects\, international residencies and more.\n * Career support through resources and programming\, such as career\ncounseling\, professional development an d job-search coaching.\n\nTHIS IS A DROP-IN GROUP Q&\;A SESSION\; THERE WILL BE NO FORMAL\nPRESENTATION. PLEASE COME PREPARED WITH YOUR GENERAL Q UESTIONS FOR THE\nENROLLMENT TEAM.\n\nWe will be answering questions for t he Drexel LeBow MBA/MS programs\nonly. Applicants interested in discussing LeBow PhD programs should\ncontact for assistance.\n\ nAfter you register\, you’ll receive an event confirmation email with\na Zoom link to attend. On the day of the event\, you can log on any\ntime b etween 9 and 10 a.m. EDT to chat with our enrollment team.\n DTSTART:20240423T130000Z DTEND:20240423T140000Z LOCATION: -331DF3CC56EC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR