BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ee3ec11ce4098e4e78b5b14ec0e256bd DTSTAMP:20241107T131630Z SUMMARY:Executive MBA One-on-One Virtual Information Sessions DESCRIPTION: \n\nThinking about earning an Executive MBA? Now is the time t o get your\nquestions answered.\n\nThis event allows you to schedule a one -on-one session with the\ndirector of recruitment. This is a great opportu nity to learn more and\ndiscuss your eligibility for admission\, scholarsh ips and the upcoming\nstart time in Spring 2025.\n\nThe Drexel LeBow Execu tive MBA attracts leaders from executive\,\nentrepreneurial and profession al backgrounds. These leaders have\nalready demonstrated a proven ability to perform at a high level. The\nprogram also prepares these leaders to go further — to become\ncatalysts within their companies\, organizations a nd institutions.\n\n_Register to receive a link for the Zoom session._\n DTSTART:20241025T130000Z DTEND:20241025T220000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR