BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:43b97902cfbc2729fdd347db80879714 DTSTAMP:20250118T150233Z SUMMARY:Kandrika Pritularga\, PhD\, University of Lancaster\, United Kingdo m DESCRIPTION: \n\nTITLE: Forecast congruence: a quantity to align forecasts and\ninventory decisions\n\nABSTRACT: Forecasting is a step undertaken in many business decisions.\nFor instance\, in inventory management\, demand forecasts are the\ncornerstone of inventory decisions\, namely how much an d when to order.\nIt is widely recognised that accurate demand forecasts l ead to\neffective and efficient inventory decisions. However\, in practice the\nforecasts are produced in isolation\, ie\, the models are selected a nd\nevaluated on accuracy metrics that do not account for important\naspec ts of inventory management. Even though there are good reasons in\nsupport of this practice\, for the alternative approach\, to help\nmanagers calib rate their forecasting process from a decision\nstandpoint\, we lack appro priate measures of forecast quality. We\naddress this limitation by introd ucing the quantity of forecast\ncongruence\, which measures thejitteriness ’ of forecasts over the\ndecision period. We investigate its characteris tics and connection to\naccuracy and demonstrate with simulations and a re al case on an FMCG\nmanufacturer that congruence is connected with the vol atility of\ninventory decisions. We show that accounting for congruence in \nforecast design and selection can achieve favourable inventory\nperforma nce\, without necessitating evaluations that rely on complex\ninventory si mulations. We conclude by discussing its connection with\nestimation uncer tainty and the bullwhip effect.\n DTSTART:20241206T160000Z DTEND:20241206T170000Z LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR