BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:75806bcf1abd1306ca843fa93bc949fe DTSTAMP:20240508T142501Z SUMMARY:An Insider's Look at the State of the Campus: A Networking Recepti on & Discussion in Princeton\, N.J. DESCRIPTION: \n\nHaven’t been to campus in a while? We’ve got some exci ting updates\nto share with you!\n\nJoin Al Altomari ’82\, president and chief executive officer of Agile\nTherapeutics\, Inc.\, and area alumni f or a festive evening in Princeton\nand an exclusive look at the many chang es taking place at Drexel.\n\nBob Francis\, EdD\, vice president of Univer sity Facilities\, will give a\ntalk on the State of the Campus\, including the building of learning\nand dining terraces\, the creation of the Innov ation Neighborhood\,\nre-purposing the Armory\, and what was involved in b ringing retailers\nsuch as Shake Shack to Chestnut Street!\n\nPrinceton Ma rriott at Forrestal 100 College Road East Princeton\, NJ\n08540\n DTSTART:20140508T223000Z DTEND:20140509T003000Z LOCATION: Princeton Marriott at Forrestal\, 100 College Road East\, Princet on Marriott at Forrestal\, Princeton\, NJ\, Princeton\, NJ 19344 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR