BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:78d20f2baa49d18fe76fbf0a9e18ab53 DTSTAMP:20240503T072227Z SUMMARY:FIC3 Accounting Department Fraud Case Competition DESCRIPTION: \n\nOBJECTIVE The purpose of FIC3 is to provide students an ex periential\nlearning opportunity to understand the implications of fraudul ent\nfinancial reporting and the value and relevance of Internal controls. \nThis competition will provide students an opportunity to demonstrate\nth eir understanding of the accounting process\, system of internal\ncontrols and the COSO framework for internal controls. It also\nprovides opportuni ties to refine presentation skills and network with\nalumni and local prof essionals who serve as the coaches and judges.\n\nPERTINENT INFORMATION Pa rticipants will receive the actual case\,\ndetailed requirements and suppl ement material one week prior to the\ncompetition. Each team will have 3.5 hours (9am -12:30pm) to review\nthe case\, formulate their response to th e case questions and develop a\nPowerPoint based presentation\, a template will be provided the day of\nthe competition.\n\nWe strongly encourage al l registrants to attend the kickoff event:\n“RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES: CASE STUDIES OF MAJOR EMBEZZLEMENTS”\nby Bethmara Kessler of Campbell’ s Soup in GHall 722 from 4-6pm.\nCheck the events calendar for registratio n and further details.\n\nDAY OF THE COMPETITION Registration will take pl ace from 8-8:30am.\nParticipants will have a chance to enjoy a continental breakfast and\nget to know team members and coaches. The program will beg in at 8:30am\nwith a guest speaker who will provide vital information for the case.\nA box lunch will be provided at noon so teams may continue to w ork on\ntheir presentations. Each team must submit an electronic copy of t heir\npresentation by 12:30pm. No changes may be made to teams’ PowerPoi nt\npresentations after the 12:30pm submission deadline.\n\nTeams will be randomly assigned a 15 minute slot with one of our two\npanels of judges t o present their results. Team presentations will be\nin 20 minute interval s between 1:00 and 3:30. The top four teams will\nannounced at the conclus ion of the first round of judging. Immediately\npreceding this we will rel ease the rest of the group and the top four\nteams will again be randomly assigned for the final round of judging.\nAwards will be presented as soon as the judges have reached a\ndecision.\n\nKEY DATES • Registration Dea dline: February 2\, 2016 • Kick-off\nEvent: February 2\, 2016 • Case w ill be released to participants:\nFebruary 5\, 2016 • Competition Date: February 12\, 2016\n\nTEAM STRUCTURE Teams will be assigned by the account ing department and\nalign with the below requirements. • Teams of 4 stud ents • Teams\nwill consist of at least one Accounting Major\, one upper classman or\nMS student\, and one under classman • There will be a limit of 10\ncase teams\, so the first 40 students who sign up and are assigned to\nteams will receive one of the 10 available spots.\n\nTEAM PRIZES • 1st Place - $500 ($125 per each team member) • 2nd\nPlace - $300 ($75 pe r each team member) • 3rd Place - $200 ($50 per\neach team member)\n\nRE GISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTS Due to the nature of the competition\,\npartic ipation is limited\; not every application will be accepted into\nthe comp etition. You will be notified if you have been accepted into\nthe competit ion no later than February 4\, 2016. To register please\ncomplete the regi stration form. You will be required to agree to the\nattached statement of comportment. Please note: We require a one week\ncancellation notice if y ou can no longer participate.\n DTSTART:20160212T130000Z DTEND:20160212T210000Z LOCATION:Gerri C. LeBow Hall\, DiPiero Grand Meeting Room and Rose Terrace\ , 3220 Market Street\, 220\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR