BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//eluceo/ical//2.0/EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:92738f99a1a70c38e311ddffe9c27f0f DTSTAMP:20240504T160417Z SUMMARY:Ask For It: A Panel Discussion on Women and Negotiation DESCRIPTION: \n\nJoin us as we hear from women who have experienced bargain ing\, as they\nshare their tips and tricks.\n\nASK FOR IT: A PANEL DISCUSS ION ON WOMEN AND NEGOTIATION\n\nKeynote:\n\n * JONATHAN ZEIGERT\, PHD\n[ht tps://]\, Associate\nProfessor and Assistant Department Head\, Management\, Drexel University\nLeBow Coll ege of Business\n\nPanelists:\n\n * ALISON YOUNG [https://www.lebow.drexel .edu/people/alisonyoung]\,\nExecutive Director\, Institute for Strategic L eadership\, Drexel\nUniversity LeBow College of Business\n * LYNN YEAKEL []\,\nFounder and Preside nt\, Vision 2020 and Director\, Drexel University’s\nInstitute of Women ’s Health and Leadership\n * REBECCA WEIDENSAUL\, PHD\n[http://drexel.ed u/studentlife/about/leadership/rebecca-weidensaul/]\,\nAssociate Dean of S tudents\, Drexel University Student Life\n * JANICE KANE ’81\, Histotech nologist\, GlaxoSmithKline\n * DENISE KIRKLAND ’80\, VP of Operations at I-LEAD Inc.\n\nSPECIAL BOOK GIVEAWAYS! _Ask For It_ and _Getting to Yes_. \n\n_This discussion was made possible by senior accounting major and\nhon ors student Kiera Bohan in conjunction with LeBow College of\nBusiness and Pennoni Honors College._\n DTSTART:20160525T193000Z DTEND:20160525T210000Z LOCATION:Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building\, 3300 Chestnut Street\, 10 3\, Philadelphia\, PA END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR