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LeBow News
Decision Sciences and MIS

PhD program alumna Virginia Miori promoted at St. Joseph's University.

Marissa D’Elia’s first words were “I want to go to college.” Now she's here, and she's not wasting any time.

In a roomful of MBA students looking hesitant and perhaps a bit out of place, Samantha Ortiz jumps up when the tango instructor asks for a volunteer. While Ortiz is charged with ensuring that all 44 MBA students benefit from a well-planned residency in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demonstrating the tango is not part of her job description. But Ortiz doesn’t hesitate. Following the impressive demonstration, the instructor says in his thick accent, “You’re a dan-cer!” At least she used to be.

Dr. Samir Shah, associate clinical professor of MIS, accepted the Leadership and Innovation Award from the Government Technology and the Pennsylvania Office of Information Technology for his contributions in the field of IT and higher education.

Teams of Drexel LeBow professors and students are competing in a course-innovation contest that will take advantage of the technology featured in a new 12-story, $90 million building opening in fall 2013.