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Brittany N. Forman, MPA, PMP


Econsult Solutions Inc.

Brittany N. Forman, MPA, PMP

Brittany N. Forman is a Director at Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI). At ESI, Ms. Forman leads projects in the areas of community and economic development, municipal consulting, economic inclusion, and nonprofit management. She helps clients assess budgets and policies, evaluate programs and operations, conduct stakeholder outreach, and quantify economic impacts. Ms. Forman enjoys managing both small and large projects from inception to their successful completion.

Previous Experience

Prior to joining ESI, Brittany worked in the City of Norfolk, Virginia in both the executive and legislative branches of government. As Assistant to the Mayor, she was the primary liaison to citizens, community, and government agencies providing executive communication and support. While in the Department of City Planning, she gained intimate knowledge of planning, zoning, permit, and development processes while conducting efficiency evaluations and providing research and policy recommendations.

From 2009-2013, Ms. Forman served as a Budget Analyst at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She managed a portfolio of several hundred million dollars, and as a result, she possesses expert skill in budget preparation, program management, and policy development. In addition, she supported the development of the 5-year strategic plan and led the annual process for reviewing agency-wide performance goals.

Civic Leadership

Ms. Forman also serves on the advisory board for North Broad Renaissance, a Philadelphia based nonprofit.


Ms. Forman holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s in Economics from the College of William and Mary. In 2015, she became a certified Project Management Professional (PMP)® by the Project Management Institute. Ms. Forman lives in Media, Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons.