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Sarah Carson

Communications Manager

Willis Towers Watson

Sarah Carson ’08 is based in the Gulf Coast of Florida and oversees communications for a healthcare finance software company, Willis Towers Watson. Carson is a writer and communications professional who stands by the belief that a single message, if well-communicated, can change a life for the better. She strives to find new and innovative ways for people to engage with life-enhancing messages so they can feel empowered and inspired to take the next step. As a professionally and academically trained writer and storyteller, she finds meaning in the organization of information and the arc of a journey. As a communicator, she strives for clarity and accuracy. As a mentor and collaborator, she supports others in their endeavors to do the same. Every day, she uses communications theory and storytelling skills attributed from her bachelor of arts degree in communications from Drexel and master of fine arts degree in creative writing from Florida International University. When not being a word nerd, you can probably find her at the beach, taking a run, sipping coffee or a cab, or hanging with her husband and their cats. *PRSSA alumna