Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute, Drexel University 2024 Academic Conference Call For Papers
OnlineThis event is being delivered online, participants must register to receive the link.
Registration Options:
Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, is the deadline to submit a paper to this annual, invitation-only conference. The conference will be hosted by the Raj & Kamla Governance Institute at Drexel University in collaboration with the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). The conference will highlight the profound research by top professors around the world on issues related to corporate governance and the boardroom.
2024 Academic Conference
April 12, 2024
The Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute invites you to join us for our 17th Annual Corporate Governance Conference. We invite you to submit papers in any area related to corporate governance, which includes (but is not restricted to) topics such as boards of directors, compensation, shareholder activism, mergers, debt as a form of governance, ESG-related issues, political influences on governance, etc.
At this point, we are hoping to hold the conference in person. The conference will take place on Friday, April 12, with a pre-conference dinner the preceding Thursday evening. Paper acceptance notices will go out in early February.
Submission Instructions
- To be eligible for submission, the paper must still be at a revisable stage (i.e., neither published nor so close to publication that significant changes are not feasible) by the date of the conference.
- When uploading your paper, please note that your paper MUST be saved with the following file name: All Authors’ Last Names_Paper Title.pdf. Submitting Author’s name should be first and in all caps with the shortened title of the paper following after an underscore. For example: WALKLING-Schlingemann-Stulz_Corporate Focusing and Internal Capital Markets.pdf.
- The cost to submit a paper is $75.
- Once you sign up for the event, you will recieve an email confirmation with the link to submit your paper.
- If you are submitting more than one paper, please either (1) have a co-author submit the second paper or (2) zip the multiple papers into a single file. For those choosing the second option, please note that the submission fee is $75 per paper. If you are submitting more than one paper, please choose the number of guests equal to the number of extra papers you want to submit.
- If you need assistance, please contact Mirela Hima, assistant director, Raj & Kamla Gupta Governance Institute at mh3229@drexel.edu.
One Paper Submission Fee: $75.00
Two Paper Submission Fee: $150.00
Three Paper Submission Fee: $225.00
Program Committee: David Becher (Drexel); Jay Cai (Drexel); Jeffrey Coles (Utah); Naveen Daniel (Drexel); Diane Del Guercio (Oregon); David Denis (Pittsburgh); Daniel Dorn (Drexel); Eli Fich (Drexel); Laura Field (Delaware); Nick Gantchev (Warwick); Todd Gormley (WASHU); Tom Griffin (Villanova); Jarrad Harford (Washington); Peter Iliev (Penn State); Wei Jiang (Emory); Dalida Kadyrzhanova (Federal Reserve Board); Joseph Kalmenovitz (Rochester); Jonathan Karpoff (Washington); Tanja Kirmse (Miami OH); Michelle Lowry (Drexel); Nadya Malenko (Boston College); Lalitha Naveen (Temple); Ed Nelling (Drexel); Greg Nini (Drexel); Micah Officer (Loyola Marymount); Gordon Phillips (Dartmouth); Anil Shivdasani (UNC); Anh Tran (City London); Paolo Volpin (Drexel) [lead]; Michael S. Weisbach (OSU); Jared Wilson (Indiana); Tracie Woidtke (Tennessee); Yuhai Xuan (California Irvine); Ke Yang (Lehigh); David L. Yermack (NYU).