MBA/MS Virtual Recruitment Networking Mixer Prep Session II
OnlineThis event is being delivered online, participants must register to receive the link.
Registration Option:
LeBow graduate students are invited to attend this workshop session to learn how to prepare for the MBA/MS Virtual Recruitment Networking Mixer, which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 29, from 3 to 6 p.m. Workshop topics will include virtual networking and navigating the Handshake job platform. Participation in the prep workshop is highly recommended! An additional workshop is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 22, from 5 to 6 p.m. (please only attend one prep session).
A Zoom link will be sent with your registration confirmation for the workshop, along with a reminder that will be sent on the morning of this workshop.
Please note that registration for the mixer event itself will be through Handshake and will open in February 2024.
Ashley Forsythe, PhD
Associate Director Graduate Career Services
(215) 895-2768
aaf47@drexel.eduGerri C. LeBow Hall 462