Associate Clinical Professor

Dr. Boryana V. Dimitrova is an Associate Clinical Professor of Marketing.
Dr. Dimitrova’s research is focused on global marketing in general and global distribution channels in particular. Global distribution channels entail relationships and interactions between manufacturers and channel intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers in a given foreign market, interactions between importers and exporters as well as interactions between retailers and final consumers in foreign markets. The intricacies of the relationships at all of these levels makes global distribution strategy development very challenging and a particularly interesting topic to study. Dr. Dimitrova’s research has been published in academic journals such as Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, Journal of Marketing Channels, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Journal of Euromarketing, and International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research.
Dr. Dimitrova teaches Master’s, MBA’s, and undergraduates. She has published several distribution channels case studies in one of the leading Marketing channels textbooks.
Dr. Dimitrova often consults local small businesses. She also presents her research at academic conferences.
Areas of Expertise
- Global Marketing
- Inter-Organizational
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing channels
- Marketing
Selected Works
Kim, Saejoon, Kim, Junhee, Min, Dong-Jun, Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Smith, Brent, Cross-Cultural Differences in Consumer Responses to Anthropomorphized Products: The Moderating Role of Masculinity and Femininity. Journal of Business Management and Change (Nov 2024).
Reavey, Brooke, Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Andras, Trina Larsen, How Do the Various Components of Interaction Orientation Affect Export Performance?. Journal of Interorganizational Relationships 28 (Aug 2022):19-34.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Kim, Saejoon, and Smith, Brent, STORE FORMAT DIVERSIFICATION, CUSTOMER ORIENTATION AND THE PERFORMANCE OF FOREIGN RETAILERS. Multidisciplinary Business Research 14 (Mar 2021):1-15.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Smith, Brent, and Kim, Saejoon, Performance Implications of Store Format Diversification for International Retailers. Journal of Marketing Channels (Aug 2019).
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Smith, Brent, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Marketing Channel Evolution: From Contactual Efficiency to Brand Value Co-Creation and Appropriation within the Platform Enterprise. Journal of Marketing Channels (Aug 2019).
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosebloom, Bert, Andras, Trina Larsen, and Kim, Saejoon, Retail Internationalization: A Review and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Marketing Channels (Aug 2019).
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Kim, Saejoon, and Smith, Brent, PERFORMANCE OF INTERNATIONAL RETAILERS: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF AN S-CURVE RELATIONSHIP. Journal of Global Marketing 32 (Apr 2019):154-176.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Smith, Brent, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Brand Value Co-creation via the Platform Enterprise. Business Management 3 (Sep 2017):5-24.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Korschun, Daniel, and Yotov, V. Yoto, When and How Country Reputation Stimulates Export Volume. International Marketing Review 34 (Spring 2017):377 - 402.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Smith, Brent, and Kim, Saejoon, Does Host Country Culture Affect Foreign Retailer Performance?. Business Management 5 (Feb 2017):1-16.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Rosenbloom, Bert, The Impact of National Cultural Values on Retail Structure: Evidence from the World Values Survey. International Marketing Review 33 (Oct 2016):894 - 920.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Do Retail Foreign Direct Investment Restrictions Affect Retail Channel Structure?. Journal of Marketing Channels 22 (Dec 2015):265-278.
Griffith, David A., and Dimitrova, Boryana V., Business and Cultural Aspects of Psychic Distance and Complementarity of Capabilities in Export Relationships. Journal of International Marketing 22 (Sep 2014):50-67.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Rosenbloom, Bert, Retailer Brand Image Building: Evidence From Two European Retailers. Journal of Euromarketing 23 (Fall 2014):124-160.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Does the Degree of Retailer International Involvement Affect Retail Performance?. International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research 24 (May 2014):243-277.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Globalization and Consumer Store Choice in Central and Eastern European Transition Economies. Journal of Euromarketing 22 (Nov 2013):4-25.
Rosenbloom, Bert, and Dimitrova, Boryana V., The Marketing Mix Paradigm and the Dixonian Systems Perspective of Marketing. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 3 (Jan 2011):53-66.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Rosenbloom, Bert, Standardization versus Adaptation in Global Markets: Is Channel Strategy Different?. Journal of Marketing Channels 17 (Apr 2010):157-176.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., “Carrefour. Managing Channels in a Global Environment.” MARKETING CHANNELS: A MANAGEMENT VIEW, 8TH Ed., Mason, Ohio: Thomson/Southwestern, (Forthcoming).
Dimitrova, Boryana V., “TESCO. Channel Design for a New Market.” MARKETING CHANNELS: A MANAGEMENT VIEW, International Edition, Mason, Ohio: Thomson/Southwestern, (2011):.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., “Carrefour. Managing Channels in a Global Environment.” MARKETING CHANNELS: A MANAGEMENT VIEW, Mason, Ohio: Thomson/Southwestern, (2011):.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., “Microsoft Retail Stores. Recognizing the Need for New Channel Strategy.” MARKETING CHANNELS: A MANAGEMENT VIEW, Mason, Ohio: Thomson/Southwestern, (2011):.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Kim, Saejoon, Bell, Monique, and Frantz, Nikita, Global Country Social Responsibility: What Is It?, Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science Feb 2017.
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, International Retail Expansion:What’s Ahead?, 2016 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference Feb 2016. (May 2016):
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Larsen Andras, Trina, National Culture and Grocery Retail Structure, 2015 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference Feb 2015. Academy of Marketing Science (May 2015):
Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Rosenbloom, Bert, The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Retail Structure, Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Mar 2012. (Aug 2012):
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Does the Degree of Global Retail Involvement Affect Retail Performance?, AMA Global Marketing SIG Jan 2012. (Mar 2012):
Dimitrova, Boryana V., Rosenbloom, Bert, and Andras, Trina Larsen, Core Capabilities and Institutions: How Do Traditional and Modern Grocery Stores Coexist in Transition Economies?, International Management Development Association Annual World Business Congress Mar 2011. (Jul 2011):
Dimitrova, Boryana V., and Rosenbloom, Bert, Factors Inhibiting the Standardization of Global Channel Strategy, Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science Mar 2010. (May 2010):
2013 Nominated for the Outstanding PhD Promise Award (Drexel University)
2012 AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (Drexel University)
2012 Outstanding Behavioral Stream Research Paper, LeBow College of Business (Drexel University)
2012 Outstanding PhD Teaching Award, LeBow College of Business (Drexel University)
2012 Excellence in Teaching Award, Marketing Department (Drexel University)
2011 Outstanding Behavioral Stream Research Paper (Drexel University)
2011 Excellence in Research Award, Marketing Department (Drexel University)
2011 Highly Commended Teaching Award (Drexel University)
2010 Excellence in Research Award, Marketing Department (Drexel University)
2008 The Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award (Saint Peter’s University)
European Marketing Academy Conference – Member (2017)
Journal of International Marketing – Member (2017)