Department Head, Sport Business and General Business, Professor
Sport Business

Professor Maxcy joined the Drexel faculty in 2014. He has also held faculty and administrative appointments in sport management at Temple University, Ithaca College and the University of Georgia. A sports economist, Professor Maxcy’s expertise includes antitrust law, regulation, labor policy, and finance. He was elected President of the International Association of Sports Economists (IASE) in 2015 after serving as the North American Region Vice President, 2010- 2014. Professor Maxcy has made public appearances and delivered lectures at national and international conferences and forums on sport policy. He has published numerous peer reviewed articles on issues including stadium finance, the impact of collective bargaining professional sports leagues, the influence of long-term contracts on player effort, and antitrust in sports. His publications are represented in Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Sport Economics, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of Sport Management, and Managerial and Decision Economics, among other journals and books. Professor Maxcy frequently discusses economic issues in the media and has contributed op-eds to news and media outlets.
Areas of Expertise
- Industrial Organization
- Sports Economics
- Labor Relations
- Economics/Managerial Economics
Recent Media Mentions
Selected Works
Butler, David, Butler, Robert, Maxcy, Joel, and Woodworth, Simon, OUTCOME UNCERTAINTY AND VIEWER DEMAND FOR BASIC CABLE BOXING IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Journal of Sports Economics (Feb 2023).
Butler, David, Butler, Robert, and Maxcy, Joel, New insights on the Louis-Schmeling paradox: determinants of demand for subscription and pay-per-view boxing. European Sport Management Quarterly 22 (Aug 2022):588-608.
Maxcy, Joel, Review of Sport Economics papers. Sport Management Digest 2 (Jun 2023).
Won, Doyeon, and Maxcy, Joel, University stakeholders; priorities concerning athletic budget allocations: An application of the contingent budget choice technique. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education (JSSAE) 16 (Oct 2021):243-261.
Rascher, Daniel, Maxcy, Joel, and Schwarz, Andrew, The Unique Economic Aspects of Sports. Journal of Global Sport Management 6 (Jul 2019):111-138.
Maxcy, Joel, Wicker, Pamela, and Prinz, Jochim, Happiness as a Reward for Torture: Is Participation in a Long-Distance Triathlon a Rational Choice?. Journal of Sports Economics 20 (Feb 2019):177-197.
Maxcy, Joel, and Mondou, Julien, Le sport pro sous toutes les coutures: Amérique du Nord. JuriSport: The Revue Juridique et Economique du Sport 193 (Jan 2019):17-33.
Maxcy, Joel, and Milwood, Pauline, Regulation by Taxes or Strict limits: Managing Profits in American Professional Team Sport Leagues. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 8 (Feb 2018):52-66.
Fort, Rodney, Maxcy, Joel, and Diehl, Mark, Uncertainty by Regulation: Is Rottenberg’s Invariance Principle Subject to Policy and Circumstance?. Research in Economics 70 (Sep 2016):454-467.
Diehl, Mark, Maxcy, Joel, and Drayer, Joris, Price Elasticity of Demand in the Secondary Market: Evidence from the National Football League. Journal of Sports Economics 16 (Nov 2015):557-575.
Steinmetz, Jason, Maxcy, Joel, and Fesenmaier, Daniel, Evaluating Destination Advertising. Journal of Travel Research 54 (Jan 2015):22-35.
Maxcy, Joel, and Larson, Daniel, Reversal of Fortune or Glaring Misallocation: Is a New Stadium Worth the Cost to a University?. International Journal of Sport Finance 10 (Jan 2015):62-86.
Trandel, Gregory, and Maxcy, Joel, Adjusting Winning Percentage Standard Deviations for Home Advantage. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 7 (Year 2011):3-16.
Maxcy, Joel, Progressive Revenue Sharing in MLB: The Effect on Player Transfers and Talent Distribution. Review of Industrial Organization 35 (Fall 2009):275-297.
Southall, Richard, Nagel, Mark, Staurowsky, Ellen, Karcher, Richard, and Maxcy, Joel, The NCAA and the Exploitation of College Profit-Athletes: The Amateurism that Never Was. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, (2023).
Maxcy, Joel, “From the 1994-95 Strike to the 2021-22 lockout: Twenty-five years of labor relations in Major League Baseball.” Principles and Paradoxes: Contributions in Honor of Rodney Fort, Ed. Stefan Szymanski. New York, NY: Springer, (Forthcoming) .
Presented Research
Maxcy, Joel, Monopsony Power, Wages, and Mobility in the Nat…Monopsony Power, Wages, and Mobility in the Nat…, Seminar in Sport: Limoges France, (Jun 2023):
International Journal of Sport Finance – Member (2017–Present)
Journal of Global Sport Management – Member (2017–Present)