Clinical Professor

Mike Howley is a Clinical Professor at the LeBow College of Business. Prior to becoming a business professor, Mike worked for 2 decades as a clinical Physician Assistant (PA), working for 9 years delivering primary care to underserved areas of rural Maine and 11 years in critical care and surgical services. He also has 5 years of experience in practice management and as a business owner.
Professor Howley received his PhD in Business Administration from Arizona State University. At Drexel, he teaches courses in how to manage service quality as well as introductory courses in Marketing. He was previously the Director of the Health Care Management Graduate Concentration and taught courses in Health Care Management and Pharmaceutical Management.
Professor Howley’s previous research examined how to measure and then manage quality in clinical trials. He is now working on large data analyses of health service processes and writing a book on measuring quality in health care.
Selected Publications:
- “Trends and Variability in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Utilization in Medicare Patients,†with Benjamin M Zmistowski, Eric M Padegimas, Joseph A Abboud, Gerald R Williams, & Surena Namdari, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, forthcoming, accepted April 11, 2017.
- “The Drivers of Medicare Reimbursement for Thoracolumbar Fusion: An Analysis of Data From The Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services,†with Krishn Khanna, Kushagra Verma, Benjamin M Zmistowski, & Eric Padegimas, Spine, forthcoming, accepted March 6, 2017.
- “Work-Life Balance for the Health Professions Educator,†with Patrick Auth, chapter in The Health Professions Educator: A Practical Guide for New and Established Faculty, editors Gerald Kayingo & Virginia Haas, Springer Publishing, forthcoming, accepted February 7, 2017.
- “Medicare Reimbursement for Total Joint Arthroplasty – What are the Driving Forces?†with Eric M Padegimas, Benjamin M Zmistowski, Kushagra Vema, Julie L Shaner, & James J Purtill, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol 98(12), 1007-13, June 15, 2016, (Impact factor 5.2).
- “The Long-Term Financial Impact of EHR Implementation,†with Edgar Y Chou, Nancy Hansen, & Prudence W Dalrymple, The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Vol 22(2), 443-452, March 1, 2015, (Top 10 most-read articles of 2015, Impact Factor of 3.5).
- “How to Prevent Patient Centricity from Becoming a Fad,†with Peter Malamis, Applied Clinical Trials, Vol 25(2), 24 – 28, February 1, 2016.
- “Quality Drivers in Clinical Trials Conduct,†with Peter Malamis, Applied Clinical Trials, available at, July 14, 2015.
- “From Theory to Bedside and Back: Relationship Marketing and Medical Care,†chapter in Handbook of Relationship Marketing, edited by Robert M. Morgan, Janet Turner Parish, & George Deitz, Northampton MA, Elgar Publishing, January 30, 2015.
- “The Quality of Clinical Trials,†Applied Clinical Trials, with Peter Malamis, January 13, 2015, available at
- “Metrics Malpractice,†Pharmaceutical Executive, available at, May 27, 2014.
- “High Performing Study Startups,†Applied Clinical Trials, with Peter Malamis, Vol 23(6), 20-28, June 2014.
- “The Next Generation of Clinical Trial Performance Measurement,†Applied Clinical Trials, available at, February 27, 2014.
- “Performance Measurement You Can Use (and believe).†Clinical Leader, with Peter Malamis, available at, October 10, 2013.
Areas of Expertise
- The Impact of Health Reform on the Delivery of Medical Services
- The Business of Health Care
- Measuring Clinical Trial Performance
- Assessing Clinical Trial Quality
Recent Media Mentions
Selected Works
Howley, Michael J., Current and Future Use of Real-World Data. Applied Clinical Trials (Aug 2022).
Howley, Michael J., Dandu, Navya, Zmistowski, Benjamin, and Chen, Antonia F., How are Electronic Health Records Associated with Provider Productivity and Billing in Orthopaedic Surgery?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (Jul 2019).
Howley, Michael J., and Malamis, Peter, Site Perspectives on Clinical Trial Quality. Applied Clinical Trials 26 (Nov 2017):22-28.
Howley, Michael J., Khanna, Krishn, Verma, Kushagra, Zmistowski, Benjamin, and Padegimas, Eric M, The Drivers of Medicare Reimbursement for Thoracolumbar Fusion: An Analysis of Data From The Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services. Spine 42 (Nov 2017):1648-1656.
Howley, Michael J., Zmistowski, Benjamin, Padegimas, Eric M, Abboud, Joseph A., Williams, Gerald R., and Namdari, Surena, Trends and Variability in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Utilization in Medicare Patients. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 26 (Year 2018):133-.
Howley, Michael J., Medicare Reimbursement for Total Joint Arthroplasty: The Driving Forces. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 98 (Jun 2016):1007-1013.
Howley, Michael J., and Malamis, Peter, Preventing Patient Centricity From Becoming a Fad. Applied Clinical Trials 25 (Feb 2016):15.
Howley, Michael J., Quality Drivers in Clinical Trial Conduct. Applied Clinical Trials (Jul 2015).
Howley, Michael J., The Quality of Clinical Trials. Applied Clinical Trials (Jan 2015).
Howley, Michael J., Chou, Edgar, Hansen, Nancy, and Dalrymple, Prudence, The long-term financial impact of electronic health record implementation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (Sep 2014):443-452.
Howley, Michael J., How We Fall Into Metrics Malpractice. Clinical Leader (May 2014).
Howley, Michael J., The Next Generation of Clinical Trial Performance Metrics. Applied Clinical Trials (Feb 2013).
Howley, Michael J., and Malamis, Peter, High Performing Study Startups. Applied Clinical Trials (Feb 2014).
Howley, Michael J., and Malamis, Peter, Performance Measurement You Can Use (and believe). Clinical Leader (Oct 2013).
Howley, Michael J., Morgan, Felicia N., McCabe, Deborah, Steward, Michelle, and McCabe, Jim, The Influence of Different Types of Cues-to-Action on Vaccination Behavior in an Epidemic. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice 18 (Spring 2010):191-208.
Howley, Michael J., The Use of Apology in Health Care. Journal of Medical Marketing 9 (Oct 2009):279-289.
Howley, Michael J., “From Theory to Bedside and Back: Relationship Marketing and Medical Care.” Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Northhampton MA: Elgar Publishing, (Forthcoming) .
Howley, Michael J., and Auth, Patrick, “Work-Life Balance for the Health Professions Educator.” The Health Professions Educator: A Practical Guide for New and Established Faculty, Ed. Gerald Kayingo & Virginia Haas. Philadelphia PA: Springer Publishing, (2017): .
Professional Experience
Other -CRO Analytics Clinical Trial Predictive Analytics Aug 2010-Nov 00-1
Academic-Arizona State University Instructor in Marketing Tempe AZ Aug 2001-May 2005
Academic-University of Maine Instructor in Management Orono ME Aug 2000-Aug 2001
Other -Surgical Services Owner Bangor ME Feb 1998-Jul 2001
Other -Vascular Surgery P.A. Practice Manager Bangor ME Aug 1995-Feb 1998
2013 Outstanding Faculty/Staff Mentor Award for the year 2013-2014 (Drexel Graduate Student Association)
2010-2012 Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Center for Teaching Excellence (Drexel University - LeBow College of Business)
2009 Excellence in Teaching Award (Drexel University)