Clinical Professor

Areas of Expertise
- Change Management
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Organizational Knowledge and Identity
- Strategy Implementation
- Organizational Resilience
Selected Works
Lo, Jade, Nag, Rajiv, Lu, Xei, and Anak Agung Istri, Shanti Dewi, Organizational innovation efforts in multiple emerging market categories: Exploring the interplay of opportunity, ambiguity, and socio-cognitive contexts. Research Policy 49 (Apr 2020).
Nag, Rajiv, Neville, Francois, and Dimotakis, Nikolaos, CEO scanning behaviors, Self-efficacy, and SME innovation and performance: An examination within a declining industry. Journal of Small Business Management 58 (Year 2020):164-199.
Russo, Angeloantonio, Vurro, Clodia, and Nag, Rajiv, To have or to be? The interplay between knowledge structure and market identity in knowledge-based alliance formation. Research Policy 48 (Apr 2019):571-583.
Choo, Adrian S., Nag, Rajiv, and Xia, Yusen, The role of executive problem solving in knowledge accumulation and manufacturing improvements. Journal of Operations Management 36 (May 2015):63-74.
Gioia, Dennis A., Nag, Rajiv, and Corley, Kevin G., Visionary ambiguity and strategic change: The virtue of vagueness in launching major organizational change. Journal of Management Inquiry 21 (Sep 2012):364-375.
Nag, Rajiv, and Gioia, Dennis A., From common to uncommon knowledge: Foundations of firm-specific use of knowledge as a resource. Academy of Management Journal 55 (Apr 2012):421-457.
Nag, Rajiv, Hambrick, Donald C., and Chen, Ming-Jer, What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal 28 (Sep 2007):935-955.
Nag, Rajiv, Corley, Kevin G., and Gioia, Dennis A., The intersection of organizational identity, knowledge, and practice: Attempting strategic change via knowledge grafting. Academy of Management Journal 50 (Aug 2007):821-847.
Nag, Rajiv, Vakharia, Neville, and Harrison, Teresa D., “Ensemble Orchestra: Overcoming an Existential Crisis in Four Movements.” Case Studies in Nonprofit Resilience Management, Ed. Young, Dennis and Searing, Elisabeth. Northampton, MA: Elgar, (Forthcoming).
Corley, Kevin G., Gioia, Dennis A., and Nag, Rajiv, “Subtle learning and organizational identity as enablers of strategic change.” Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Ed. M. Easterby-Smith & M. Lyles. London: Blackwell, (2011): :349-365.
Nag, Rajiv, Corley, Kevin G., and Gioia, Dennis A., “Innovation tensions: Chaos, structure, and managed chaos.” The International Handbook on Innovation, Ed. Shavinina, L.. Netherlands: Elsevier, (2003): :607-618.
Presented Research
Srinivasan, Srini S., Patnaik, Sandeep, and Nag, Rajiv, Marketing Doctrine in Public Sector Undertakings in an Emerging Market,, AMA Summer Academic Conference:: Chicago, IL,
Nag, Rajiv, Seo, Donghwi, Bae, Jonghyuk, and Anandarajan, Murugan, Words’ Worth: Deceptive Impression Management as a Response to Performance Downturns, Academy of Management Conference: Chicago, IL, (Aug 2018):
Nag, Rajiv, and Ghosh, Abhijit, Embracing adversity through purposive embedding: The historical evolution of Amul India, NJIT Research Seminar: Newark, NJ, (Apr 2018):
Nag, Rajiv, and Mantere, Saku, To reinvent the wheel or not? Expanding the replication perspective on knowledge transfer in organizations, Academy of Management Conference: Atlanta, GA, (Aug 2017):
Nag, Rajiv, Mantere, Saku, and Vaara, Eero, Toward a Syncretic Conception of Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations, Academy of Management Conference: Anaheim, CA, (Aug 2016):
Nag, Rajiv, and Neville, Francois, The Role of CEO Self-Efficacy in linking Scanning and Strategic Outcomes, Academy of Management Conference: Anaheim, CA, (Aug 2016):
Narayanan, V.K., and Nag, Rajiv, Implementing Innovation Initiatives: A Senior Management Perspective, XX11 Organization Science Winter Conference: Park City, UT, (Feb 2016):
Lo, Jade, Anak Agung Istri, Shanti Dewi, and Nag, Rajiv, Organization Innovation in Emerging Spaces: Exploring the Interplay of Opportunity, Ambiguity, and Institutional Legitimacy, Academy of Management Conference: Vancouver, BC, (Aug 2015):
Narayanan, V.K., and Nag, Rajiv, Strategic initiatives as experimentation: Toward a praxis view of corporate strategy, Strategic Management Society: St. Gallen, Switzerland, (May 2015):
Russo, Angeloantonio, Nag, Rajiv, and Vurro, Clodia, A market identity perspective on the relationship between knowledge search and R&D alliance formation., Academy of Management Conference: Philadelphia, PA, (Aug 2014):
Garud, Raghu, Karnoe, Peter, and Nag, Rajiv, Micro-processes of agency in unfamiliar situations. Academy of Management Conference, Academy of Management Conference: Philadelphia, PA, (Aug 2014):
Neville, Francois, and Nag, Rajiv, Toward an Initial Conceptualization of Opportunity Creation Processes, Academy of Management Conference: Orlando, FL, (Aug 2013):
Xia, Yusen, and Nag, Rajiv, In the Eyes of the Investors: Unpacking the Differential Bases of Market Responses to Licensing, Academy of Management Conference: Orlando, FL, (Aug 2013):
2022 Distinguished Faculty Award-Honorable Mention- (LeBow College of Business and Vanguard) (Drexel University)
2021 Distinguished Faculty Award (LeBow College of Business and Vanguard) (Drexel University)
2011 Best Conference Paper Nomination (Strategic Management Society)
2007 Best Dissertation Finalist (Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management)
Academy of Management Review – Member (2019–2022)
Academy of Management Journal – Member (2017–2021)