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Roger McCain, PhD



Headshot of Roger McCain

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1037

Areas of Expertise

  • Game Theory
  • Computational Economics
  • Economics/Managerial Economics

Selected Works


McCain, Roger, Worker and Community Cooperatives: A Multiple-Criterion Model. Advances in the Economics of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms (Year 2010).

McCain, Roger, Commitment and Weakness of Will in Game Theory and Neoclassical Economics. Journal of Socio-Economics 2009 (Jan 2009).

McCain, Roger, Cooperation and Effort, Reciprocity and Mutual Supervision in Worker Cooperatives. Advances in the Economics of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms (Feb 2007).

Lester, Bijou Y., and McCain, Roger, An Equity-Based Redefinition of Underemployment and Unemployment and Some Measurements. Review of Social Economy (Jun 2001).


McCain, Roger, Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy. Fourth Edition. Singapore: World Scientific, (2023).

McCain, Roger, Comparing Fairness: Relative Criteria of Economic Fairness with Applications. London: Elgar, (2021).

McCain, Roger, Welfare Economics: An Interpretive History. Abington UK: Routledge, (2019).

McCain, Roger, The Economics of Small Business: An Introductory Survey. Singapore: World Scientific, (2018).

McCain, Roger, Approaching Equality: What Can Be Done about Wealth Inequality?. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, (2016).

McCain, Roger, Value Solutions in Cooperative Games. Singapore: World Scientific, (2013).

McCain, Roger, Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy, revised edition. Singapore: World Scientific, (2010).

McCain, Roger, Game Theory and Public Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, (2009).

McCain, Roger, Agent-Based Computer Simulation of Dichotomous Economic Growth. (2000).

McCain, Roger, A Framework for Cognitive Economics. (1992).


McCain, Roger, “Complexity and Productivity: The Task Approach.” Handbook of Complexity Economics, Ed. W. Eisner. London: Routledge, (Forthcoming) :20.

McCain, Roger, “Introduction.” The Guild State, by G. R. Stirling Taylor, London: IHS Press, (2004): .

McCain, Roger, “Rationality in Economics: Alternative Perspectives.” Defeasible Rationality, Ed. Kenneth Dennis. (1998): .

Presented Research

McCain, Roger, Endogenous Preference and Coalition Formation, ASSQ 2023: New Orleans, LA,

McCain, Roger, A Proposal to Equalize Wealth: Precis, Updates and Extensions, ASSA 2022: Virtual via Zoom, (Jan 2022):

McCain, Roger, Interregional Inequality, Efficiency, and Relative Fairness, WEAI: Denver (via Zoom), Co, (Jun 2020):