Decision Sciences and MIS

Areas of Expertise
- Inventory Control
- Production Planning and Control
- Quality Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Production/Operations Management
Selected Works
Sun, Yaqin, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Wang, Min, Price and service competition between an encroaching contract manufacturer and an original equipment manufacturer. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (Jun 2023).
Ping, Yanni, and Kim, Seung-Lae, In-House Production vs Outsourcing: the Effect of Volume-Based Learning on Quality Competition. International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR) (Jan 2020).
Sher, Mikhail, Kim, Seung-Lae, Banerjee, Avijit, and Paz, Michael, A supply chain coordinatiuon mechanism for common items subject to failure in the electronics, defense, and medical industries. International Journal of Production Economics 203 (Jun 2018):164-173.
Ping, Yanni, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Wang, Min, A Supplier Selection Model with Quality-Driven Demand and Capacitated Suppliers. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management (IJOQM) 24 (Mar 2018):1-22.
Masten, K., and Kim, Seung-Lae, So many mechanisms, so little action: The case for 3rd party supply chain coordination. International Journal of Production Economics 168 (Jun 2015):13-20.
Sher, Mikhail, and Kim, Seung-Lae, An Economic Order Quantity Model for Items Experiencing Failure in Storage. International Journal of Operational Research 22 (Apr 2015):405-422.
Sher, Mikhail, and Kim, Seung-Lae, Supply Chain Coordination with Quantity Discount for Seasonal Demand. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 3 (Sep 2014).
Du, Ruo, Banerjee, A., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Coordination of two-echelon supply chains using wholesale price discount and credit option. International Journal of Production Economics (Sep 2011).
Ha, D., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Note on: An Integrated Vendor-Buyer Cooperative Inventory Model of Items with Imperfect Quality. Production Planning and Control (Jun 2011).
Mokhashi, K., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Cost Models for Lot Streaming in Multistage Flow Shops with Unequal Number of Sublots Between Stages. International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management (Jun 2011).
Ha, D., and Kim, Seung-Lae, An Integrated Buyer-Supplier Inventory System for a Two-layer Supply Chain when the Production Process is not Perfect. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 17 (Mar 2011):1-16.
Hu, Wanting, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Banerjee, A., An Inventory Model with Partial Backordering and Unit Backorder Cost Linearly Increasing with the Waiting Time. European Journal of Operational Research 197 (Sep 2009):581-587.
Kim, Seung-Lae, Banerjee, A., and Burton, J., Production and Delivery Policies for Enhanced Supply Chain Partnership. International Journal of Production Research 46 (Sep 2008):6207-6229.
Banerjee, A., Kim, Seung-Lae, and Burton, Jonathan S., Supply Chain Coordination through Multistage Linkage in a JIT Environment. International Journal of Production Economics 108 (Jul 2007):271-280.
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Ha, D., A JIT Lot-Splitting Model for Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Buyer-Supplier Linkage. International Journal of Production Economics 86 (Sep 2003):1-10.
Liu, Xiangrong, Banerjee, A., Kim, Seung-Lae, and Du, Ruo, “Chapter 7: Integrated Inventory Models for Retail Pricing in a JIT Environment for Remanufacturing a Product.” Reverse Supply Chains: Issues and Analysis, Ed. Gupta, S. New York: Taylor & Francis, (2013): :179-202.
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Mokhashi, Khalid, “Production and Delivery Policies for Improving Supply Chain Performance.” Supply Chain, England: INTECH Open Access, (2012): .
Presented Research
Ping, Yanni, and Kim, Seung-Lae, In-House vs. Outsourcing: the Effect of Volume-Based Learning on Quality Competition, POMS: Seattle, WA, (May 2017):
Ping, Yanni, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Wang, Min, Outsourcing Supplier Selection: Quality Driven Demand and Tagucci Loss Function, POMS: Orlando, FL, (May 2016):
Sher, Mikhail, Kim, Seung-Lae, Banerjee, Avijit, and Paz, M, An Economic Production Quantity Model and Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism for Items Experiencing Failure in Storage, NEDSI: Alexander, VA, (Apr 2016):
Matsen, Kurt, and Kim, Seung-Lae, The Case for 3rd Party Supply Chain Coordination, (Nov 2014):
Sher, Mikhail, and Kim, Seung-Lae, Supply Chain Coordination with Quantity Discount for Seasonal Demand, INFORMS: San Francisco, CA, (Nov 2014):
Sher, Mikhail, and Kim, Seung-Lae, An Economic Order Quantity Model for Items Expe…, INFORMS: Minneapolis, MN, (Oct 2013):
Kim, Changhyun, and Kim, Seung-Lae, Coordinating a Two Stage Supply Chain with Insufficient Production Capacity and Option for Outsourcing Decisions, NEDSI: Washington DC, DC, (Mar 2010):
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Du, Ruo, A Study on the Coordination of the Two-echelon Supply Chain Using Credit and Quantity Discount Options, NEDSI: Washington DC, DC, (Mar 2010):
Mahanta, V.S., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Supply Chain Coordination ina Depression Era, National DSI: Lew Orleans, LA, (Nov 2009):
Kim, Seung-Lae, An EOQ Model Incorporating Consumer Behavior (Part II), National DSI: New Orleans, LA, (Nov 2009):
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Mahanta, V.S., Supply Chain Disruption and Coordination, INFORMS: San Diego, CA, (Oct 2009):
Kim, Seung-Lae, An EOQ Model Incorporating Consumer Behavior, National DSI: Baltimore, MD, (Nov 2008):
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Ha, Daesung, A Buyer-Supplier Integrated Inventory Model for Items with Imperfect Quality, INFORMS: Washington DC, DC, (Oct 2008):
Hu, Wanting, and Kim, Seung-Lae, An Inventory Model with Backorders and Lost Sales for Decentralized Multi-Echelon Supply Chain, (Mar 2007):
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Kim, Se-Kwon, An EOQ Model Incorporating Consumer Behavior towards Marketing Policy Change, National DSI Conference: San Francisco, California, (Nov 2005):
Hu, Wanting, and Kim, Seung-Lae, Recasting the Inventory Model with Backorder and Lost Sales for JIT Environment, National DSI Conference: San Francisco, California, (Nov 2005):
Kim, Seung-Lae, Production and Delivery Policies for Supply Chain Partnerships, NEDSI Conference: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (Mar 2005):
Sun, Yaqin, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Wang, Min, Price and Service Competition between an encroaching contract manufacturer and an OEM, DSI Nov 2017. (Nov 2017):
Kim, Changhyun, and Kim, Seung-Lae, Coordination a Two Stage Supply Chain with Insufficient Production Capacity and Option for Outsourcing Decisions, NEDSI Mar 2010. DSI (Mar 2010):
Du, Ruo, and Kim, Seung-Lae, A Study on the Coordination of the Two-echelon Supply Chain Using Credit and Quantity Discount Options, NEDSI Mar 2010. DSI (Mar 2010):
Mahanta, V.S., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Supply Chain Coordination in a Depression Era, National DSI Nov 2009. DSI (Nov 2009):
Kim, Seung-Lae, An EOQ Model Incorporating Consumer Behavior, NEDSI Nov 2009. DSI (Nov 2009):
Liu, Xiangrong, Banerjee, A., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Models for Retail Pricing and Customer Return Incentive for Remanufacturing a Product, POMS Annual Meeting Proceedings 2009 Oct 2009. (Oct 2009):
Ha, Daesung, and Kim, Seung-Lae, A JIT Lot-Splitting Model when the Production Process is not Perfect: An Integrated Approach, National DSI Feb 2008. (Nov 2008):
Kim, Seung-Lae, An EOQ Model Incorporating Consumer Behavior, National DSI Feb 2008. (Nov 2008):
Kim, Seung-Lae, and Ha, D, Implementing JIT Purchasing: An Integrated Approach for Items with Imperfect Quality, SEDSI Feb 2008. (Feb 2008):
Hu, Wanting, Kim, Seung-Lae, and Banerjee, A., An Inventory Model with Backorders and Lost Sales for Decentralized Multi-Echelon Supply Chain, NEDSI Mar 2007. (Mar 2007):
Banerjee, A., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Inventory Models Incorporating Retailer and Customer Incentives for Remanufacturing a Recycled Product, ISIR Aug 2006. (Aug 2006):
Banerjee, A., and Kim, Seung-Lae, Supply Chain Coordination through Effective Multistage Inventory Linkage in a JIT Environment, ISIR Aug 2004. (Aug 2004):
2019 Bright Idea Award (Seton Hall University)
2018 Bright Idea Award (Seton Hall University (Stillman School of Business))
Computers and Industrial Engineering (C&IE) – Member (2017–2019)