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Yoto Yotov, PhD




Yoto V. Yotov is a Professor at the School of Economics of the LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, and a Research Professor at the ifo Institute, Munich. Yotov’ss research is focused on international trade, and his work appears in the American Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, the Economic Journal, the International Economic Review, and the European Economic Review, among others.

Areas of Expertise

  • International Trade
  • Trade Policy
  • Economics/Managerial Economics

Selected Works


Yotov, Yoto, On the Role of Domestic Trade Flows for Estimating the Gravity Model Articles of Trade. Contemporary Economic Policy 40 (Forthcoming):526- 540.

Morgan, Clifton T., Syropoulos, Constantinos, and Yotov, Yoto, Economic Sanctions: Evolution, Consequences, and Challenges. Journal of Economic Perspectives (Feb 2023).

Ghosh, Ishan, Larch, Mario, Murtazashvili, Irina, and Yotov, Yoto, Negative Trade Shocks and Gender Inequality: Evidence from the USA. Economica 89 (Year 2022):564-591.

Felbermayr, Gabriel, and Yotov, Yoto, From theory to policy with gravitas: A solution to the mystery of the excess trade balances. European Economic Review (Aug 2021).

Felbermayr, Gabriel, Morgan, Cliff, Syropoulos, Constantinos A., and Yotov, Yoto, Understanding Economic Sanctions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory and Evidence. European Economic Review 135 (Jun 2021).

Laincz, Christopher, Matschke, Xenia, and Yotov, Yoto, Policy and Politics: Trade Adjustment Assistance in the Crossfire. Canadian Journal of Economics (Jun 2021).

Felbermayr, Gabriel, Kirilakha, Aleksandra, Syropoulos, Constantinos, Yalcin, Erdal, and Yotov, Yoto, The Global Sanctions Data Base. European Economic Review (May 2021).

Heid, Benedikt, Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, Estimating the Effects of Non-discriminatory Trade Policies within Structural Gravity Models. Canadian Journal of Economics (Mar 2021).

Borchert, Ingo, Larch, Mario, Shikher, Serge, and Yotov, Yoto, Disaggregated Gravity: Benchmark Estimates and Stylized Facts from a New Database. Review of International Economics (Mar 2021).

Anderson, James E., and Yotov, Yoto, Short Run Gravity. Journal of International Economics 126 (Sep 2020).

Borchert, Ingo, Larch, Mario, Shikher, Serge, and Yotov, Yoto, The International Trade and Production Database for Estimation (ITPD-E). International Economics (Aug 2020).

Anderson, James E., Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, Transitional Growth and Trade with Frictions: A Structural Estimation Framework. Economic Journal 130 (Aug 2020):1583-1607.

Garfinkel, Michelle R., Syropoulos, Constantinos A., and Yotov, Yoto, Arming in the Global Economy: The Importance of Trade with Enemies and Friends. Journal of International Economics 123 (Mar 2020).

Anderson, James E., Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, Trade and Investment in the Global economy: A multi-country dynamic analysis. European Economic Review 120 (Nov 2020).

Agnosteva, Delina, Anderson, James E., and Yotov, Yoto, Intra-national Trade Costs: Assaying Regional Frictions. European Economic Review 112(C) (Dec 2019):32-50.

Baier, Scott, Yotov, Yoto, and Zylkin, Thomas, On the Widely Differing Effects of Free Trade Agreements: Lessons from Twenty Articles Years of Trade Integration. Journal of International Economics (Jan 2019).

Larch, Mario, Wanner, Joschka, Yotov, Yoto, and Zylkin, Thomas, PPML with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects: A Reassessment of the Currency Union Effects on Trade. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (Nov 2018).

Larch, Mario, Wanner, Joschka, and Yotov, Yoto, On the Bi- and Uni-lateral Trade Effects of EMU Membership. Economics Letters (Oct 2018).

Anderson, James E., Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, Estimating General Equilibrium Trade Policy Effects: GE PPML. The World Economy (Oct 2018).

Anderson, James E., Borchert, Ingo, Mattoo, Aaditya, and Yotov, Yoto, Dark Costs, Missing Data: Shedding Some Light on Services Trade. European Economic Review (Jun 2018).

Borchert, Ingo, and Yotov, Yoto, Distance, Globalization, and International Trade. Economics Letters (May 2017).

Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, On the Impact of TTIP in Southeastern and Eastern Europe: A Quantitative Analysis. Economic Thought (Mar 2017).

Iliev, Dragomir, Stefanov, Galin, and Yotov, Yoto, Estimating Bulgaria’s Trade Borders with the EU: An Application of the Empirical. Business Management (Nov 2016).

Dimitrova, Boryana, Korschun, Daniel, and Yotov, Yoto, On the Effects of Country Reputation on International Trade. International Marketing Review (Sep 2016).

Anderson, James E., Vesselovsky, Mykyta, and Yotov, Yoto, Gravity with Scale Economies. Journal of International Economics 174-193 (May 2016):174-193.

Anderson, James E., and Yotov, Yoto, Terms of Trade and Global Efficiency Effects of Free Trade Agreements, 1990-2002. Journal of International Economics 99 (Mar 2016):279-298.

Bergstrand, Jeffrey, Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, Economic Integration Agreements, Border Effects, and Distance Elasticities in the Gravity Equation. European Economic Review 78 (Jul 2015):307-327.

Uysal, Pinar, Yotov, Yoto, and Zylkin, Thomas, Firm Heterogeneity and Trade-Induced Layoffs: An Empirical Investigation. European Economic Review 75 (Apr 2015):80-97.

Anderson, James E., Milot, Catherine A., and Yotov, Yoto, How Much Does Geography Deflect Services Trade? Canadian Answers. International Economic Review 55 (Aug 2014):791-818.

Dai, Mian, Yotov, Yoto, and Zylkin, Thomas, On the Trade-diversion Effects of Free Trade Agreements. Economics Letters (Feb 2014).

Yotov, Yoto, A Simple Solution to the Distance Puzzle in International Trade. Economics Letters 117 (Jul 2012).

Olivero, Maria P., and Yotov, Yoto, Dynamic Gravity: Theory and Empirical Implications. Canadian Journal of Economics 45 (Feb 2012).

Dinopoulos, Elias, Syropoulos, Constantinos A., Xu, Bin, and Yotov, Yoto, Intraindustry Trade and Wage-Income Inequality: Theory and Evidence. Journal of International Economics 84 (May 2011):15-25.

Anderson, James E., and Yotov, Yoto, The Changing Incidence of Geography. American Economic Review 100 (Dec 2010):2157-86.

Yotov, Yoto, Trade-Induced Unemployment: How Much Do we Care?. Review of International Economics 18 (Nov 2010):972-989.


Yotov, Yoto, Piermartini, Roberta, Monteiro, Jose Antonio, and Larch, Mario, An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model. Geneva: United Nations and World Trade Organization, (Forthcoming).


Yotov, Yoto, “The Global Sanctions Data Base: Mapping international sanction policies from 1950-2019.” Consequences of the War Debate, eBook : VoxEU/CEPR eBook , (2022): .

Dai, Mian, Felbermayr, Gabriel, Kirilakha, Aleksandra, Syropoulos, Constantinos A., Yalcin, Erdal, and Yotov, Yoto, “Timing the Impact of Sanctions on Trade.” Research Handbook on Economic Sanctions, Ed. Peter A.G. van Bergeijk. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, (2022): .

Kirilakha, Aleksandra, Felbermayr, Gabriel, Syropoulos, Constantinos A., Yalcin, Erdal, and Yotov, Yoto, “The Global Sanctions Data Base: An Update that Includes the Years of the Trump Presidency.” Research Handbook on Economic Sanctions, Ed. Peter A.G. van Bergeijk. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, (2022): .

Baier, Scott, Kerr, Amanda, and Yotov, Yoto, “Gravity, Distance, and International Trade.” Handbook of International Trade and Transportation, USA: Edward Elgar, (2018): .

Larch, Mario, and Yotov, Yoto, “On the Economic Impact of FDI and Trade Liberalization in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Structural Quantitative Analysis.” Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR), Asia: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), (2017): .


2020 Fulbright Specialist Roster (The Fulbright Scholar Program)
2020 Dean’s Excellence in Service Award (LeBow College of Business, Drexel)
2019 Keynote Lecture at the Annual IATRC Meeting (The International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC))
2019 Distinguished Visiting Professor (University of Tübingen, Summer 2019, Germany)
2019 Keynote Lecture (III Jornadas de Investigacoin en Internacionalizacion)
2018 Keynote Lecture EGIT Conference (University of Vienna)
2016 Provost Award for Outstanding Mid-career Scholarly Achievement (Drexel University)
2015 Research Fellow (CESifo Research Network)
2013 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award (Drexel University)
2010 Allen Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence (Drexel Univeristy)
2009 Excellence in Teaching Award (Drexel University, LeBow College of Business)
2009 Excellence in Research Award (LeBow College of Business)
2007 Donald and Helene White Prize for Best Dissertation in the Social Sciences (BC)
2006 Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award (Boston College)