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Sport Business Courses

SMT 110: The Business of Sport

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course will introduce students to the billion-dollar international sports industry and identify the vast, creative, and substantial role business plays in professional, collegiate and amateur sports. Sports business applications are explored in the following areas: sponsorship, promotions, marketing, fundraising, finance, media, ticketing, public relations, law, facilities, and sport careers.

SMT 120: The Business of Esport

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course will introduce students to the esport industry and discuss its foundational concepts. After discussing esport’s history, this course will explore the esport ecosystem. The duration of course will investigate the business model of esport, governance issues, potential career opportunities, and the future of esport.

SMT 201: Sports Marketing, Promotion, and Public Relations

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Students will build an integrated marketing plan for a sporting event by first describing how the four Ps of marketing are applied in sports. Students learn about the uses of the essential elements of marketing. Students will be able to identify the conventions of sport promotions and public relations.

SMT 205: Sport Media Relations

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course is an overview of media relations and its role in the field of sport management. This course will cover skill sets and roles a media relations specialist must demonstrate in order to be successful. There will be emphasis on writing, communication, planning, and organizational skills.

SMT 230: Sports and the Law

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Reviews the legal and regularity aspects, elements, and relationships for all constituents participating in sports: administrators, coaches, athletes, agents, vendors, sponsors, faculty managers and owners, and spectators. Seminal court cases are discussed. Students examine the inextricable links between the law and business ethics.

SMT 270: Sports Facility Planning & Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course is designed to provide learning experiences in managing sport facility operations, planning new sport facilities, and renovating and maintaining new facilities. An understanding of sports facilities, their design, and management will be gained through field study, speakers, and standard classroom material.

SMT 275: Sports Event Management

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course provides the student with exposure to comprehensive event planning, funding and managing sports events including those for professional, amateur and collegiate sports events, and commercial, recreational, and club sports.

SMT 285: Sport, Industry, and Society

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

The focus of this course is on the social forces that shape the sport industry in the United States and internationally and the influence the sport industry has on society. Students are encouraged to critically examine common understandings of sport from economic, historical, political, and sociological perspectives.

SMT 310: Sports Contracts

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Course will cover basic legal issues and strategies surrounding contract issues in sports. Students will be introduced to basic elements of contract law and see it applied by the court system in the context of the sports industry.

SMT 320: Sport Economics

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

An introduction to the economics of sports. Topics include sports markets: demand, supply and pricing; organization, monopoly power and market failure; labor relations, labor market problems and remedies, public finance of sports, the law and economics of sports, and the economics of college sports.

SMT 333: Sports Gambling

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

This course will review and examine the history, policies, economics, and regulation of sports gambling in the United States. The emphasis will be on assisting the student in understanding the concepts related to the relatively new area of legalized sports betting in the United States. Class sessions will be devoted to examining and discussing the reading assignments and current issues in the field of sports gambling. Real world examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and principles.

SMT 335: Sport Governance & Policy

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Basic theories of organization and leadership applied to sport organizations. Included are professional team-sport leagues, intercollegiate athletics, the Olympic movement, and international sport associations.

SMT 340: International Aspects of Sport

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

International sport should be understood within and outside the culture of a country in which it is being played or viewed. This course will allow students to develop an appreciation of non-American sporting cultures across the world, learn about potentially unfamiliar sports and sporting events and contrast different aspects of the sports industry with those within the US. Globalization and its implications for the sporting world will also be investigated, as will trans-­­national companies and organizations that impact the sport marketplace.

SMT 375: Sport Finance

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Basic theory in finance applied to managerial decision making in sport firms and organizations. Includes forms of ownership, financial analysis, risk analysis and portfolio evaluation, and capital budgeting techniques, all as applied to sports. The finance of sports facilities including taxation and subsidization and methods for evaluating publicly financed projects.

SMT 475: Sports Industry Practicum

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

The practicum is designed to develop greater breadth and depth of students’ understanding and experience within the industry. The practical application of knowledge and skill acquired in class will help students extend their expertise by working in a sport management related organization. Suggested for non-co-op students.

SMT 601: Sports Industry Management

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

This course provides detailed overview of the sports industry and its management and business practices. Students will study organizational theory, human resources, decision making, policy development, planning, governance and the management functions necessary to provide them with the appropriate skills and knowledge for the effective management of sport organizations.

SMT 602: Sport Law

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

This course will examine the diverse and complex nature of sport law by proving an overview of the legal issues that are of particular concern to sport managers. In addition, the course will expose students to the legal standards, principles and practices that can be applied to the various management challenges that exist within the sports world. Students will be introduced to sport law through lectures, readings and assignments.

SMT 603: Sports Marketing

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

The course provides a study of marketing, sponsorship and public relations concepts with an application to the sports industry. Students will cover topics including licensing, merchandising, sponsorships, ticketing, consumer behavior, market segmentation and pricing. The role of research in marketing and practices of mainstream marketing will also be examined.

SMT 605: Sports Economics

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Students explore general economic principles as they apply to the sports industry. Economic analysis is utilized to study sports markets: demand, supply and pricing; league organization, monopoly power and market failure; labor relations, labor market problems and remedies, public finance of sports.

SMT 606: Social Issues in Sport

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

This course provides a detailed analysis of the sociology of sport in our society. Sports are connected to the many areas of our life including the family, the economy, the media, politics, education, and religion. This course will provide an opportunity for students to explore each of these components in an in-depth manner.

SMT 608: Sport Media & Public Relations

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Course is an overview of the discipline of sports information/public relations and its role in the field of sport management. Course will cover a wide variety of skill sets and roles necessary to succeed in this continually evolving discipline. New media issues and procedures will be covered.

SMT 612: Development & Fundraising Strategies in Sport

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Course will examine skills, strategies and techniques needed for successful annual and major gift solicitation in the field of athletic development. Topics include understanding annual fund and major gift fundraising; examining booster club organization structure, benefits; priority seating programs and importance of donor research in the fundraising process.

SMT 621: Leadership in Sport Management

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Students will discuss the process of leadership and leadership development in sports organizations. Leadership styles, qualities, philosophies and the ability to adapt to different situations are addressed. Information on recruiting, training, supervising and evaluating personnel are examined as are current sporting issues and their impact on sport leadership.

SMT 630: Sports Industry Practicum

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

The practicum is designed to develop greater breadth and depth of student’s understanding and experience within the industry. The practical application of the knowledge and skill acquired in classes will help students to extend their expertise by working in a sport management related organization.

SMT 635: Sport Facilities & Event Management

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

Course is designed to provide learning experience in managing sports facility operations, planning new sports facilities and renovating and maintaining existing facilities. Course also provides student exposure to comprehensive event planning and management for sport and special events.

SMT I299: Independent Study in SMT

Credits: 0.0-12.0
Level: UG

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

SMT 626: Globalization of Sport

Credits: 3.0
Level: GR

An analysis of the impact of globalization on the Sport Industry. Students will be introduced to managerial, human resource and cultural differences that impinge upon the sports industry. An oversight of the different governance structures employed throughout the industry overseas will also be examined.

SMT 350: Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

Credits: 4.0
Level: UG

Course provides an overview of the concept of ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR), focusing on the economic, social and environmental impacts of the sport industry and the resulting challenges faced by sport organizations, their participants and their managers. The emphasis will be on assisting the student in understanding the concepts related to the role sport plays in CSR. Class sessions will be devoted to examining and discussing the reading assignments and current CSR issues in sport. Real world examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and principles.

Connect with Us

Thank you for your interest in the Sport Business Department. We look forward to hearing from you.

Joel Maxcy, PhD

Department Head, Sport Business and General Business

(215) 895-2351

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 536