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Drexel LeBow Announces Dana and David Dornsife Center for Experiential Business Education

February 21, 2011

Dana L. Dornsife ’83 and her husband David H. Dornsife have made a pledge, through The Dornsife Family Foundation, of $2.5 million to name the Dana and David Dornsife Center for Experiential Business Education at LeBow College of Business.  This is the largest pledge made to Drexel LeBow by an alumna. 

As a resident of Danville, Calif., Dornsife has been involved with notable initiatives in social entrepreneurship and health care research.  She has been instrumental in financing and executing projects in Africa and in managing and raising funds to provide clinical care opportunities at Lazarex for cancer patients.

Dornsife is expected on campus in May when she will recognized for her philanthropy.  Dornsife says she values her co-op experience and is looking forward to our plans to broaden and enrich experiential learning -- the DNA of Drexel LeBow.  The Dana and David Dornsife Center for Experiential Learning will include offices and meeting rooms of varying sizes, advanced computer equipment and other amenities.

Dornsife’s generous pledge is the latest in a series of commitments that have followed the announcement of Bennett S. LeBow’s $45 million commitment to Drexel LeBow. The momentum continues!

We invite you to read more about the status of our campaign at

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