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Apr 26

Lin Tian, PhD, INSEAD

This event is part of the Economics Seminar Series series.

Delivery Method: In Person
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Gerri C. LeBow Hall
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Registration for this event has passed.

Selected Publications

“Strategic or Confused Firms? Evidence from ‘Missing’ Transactions in Uganda,” with Miguel Almunia, Jonas Hjort, and Justine Knebelmann, Review of Economics and Statistics, January 2024.

“Hits from the Bong: The Impact of Recreational Marijuana Dispensaries on Property Values,” with Danna Thomas, Regional Science and Urban Economics, February 2021.

“Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence from the U.S.,” with Ariel Burstein, Gordon Hanson, and Jonathan Vogel, Econometrica, May 2020.




Have Questions?

Ohyun Kwon, PhD

(215) 571-4168

Gerri C. LeBow Hall 1029