Knowledge Base
Learn more about Blackboard's content editor tool.
Learn how to use Poll Everywhere for graded activities in your Blackboard course.
This tutorial demonstrates how to get started with using Turnitin Assignments in Blackboard LEARN.
Yellowdig is an online discussion tool that fosters student engagement. Once Yellowdig is enabled in your course, follow these steps to set up your community.
This tutorial describes how to grade submissions made through a Bb LEARN assignment.
This tutorial will walk you through how to grade and offer feedback on a student's submission using Blackboard's rubric tool.
This tutorial demonstrates how to group courses by term in the "My Courses" module on the Blackboard LEARN homepage.
Learn the difference between "Groups" and "Group Sets" and how to create both in Blackboard.
Instructions for access the BoardEx database.
Instructions for accessing the SDC Platinum database.