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LeBow News
Institute for Governance
Paula Loop

Associate Director Alyssa Abbott speaks with Paula Loop, Governance Insight Center Leader at PwC, about the future of work as well as the board’s oversight of how changes in work will affect a company’s recovery.

Tonie Interview

Associate Director Alyssa Abbott speaks with Tonie Leatherberry, president of the Deloitte Foundation, about how companies are seeking to understand the emerging risks facing businesses and stakeholders.

Raj Gupta MBA ’72, chairman of Aptiv PLC and Avantor and former Drexel Trustee

Raj Gupta MBA ’72, chairman of Aptiv PLC and Avantor, was recognized among the top executives of Indian heritage leading the largest global corporations.

Mutual funds

Academic Director, Michelle Lowry discusses the number of mutual funds participating in private markets and their impact.

Men jumping over hole

Teresa Harrison, PhD, discusses how collaboration and coordination between nonprofits becomes more critical in trying times.

Boardspeak speaker headshot title graphic

Executive Director Patricia Connolly spoke with Lisa Blais and Greig Schneider of Egon Zehnder on how the pandemic is reshaping the way boards and companies approach talent overall.

Accelerating Focus Speaker Headshots and Title Graphic

Executive Director Patricia Connolly speaks with Lisa Blais and Greig Schneider of Egon Zehnder regarding culture and talent and how they are impacting the boardroom.

Corporate Governance Academic Conference Graphic

COVID-19 raises difficult questions for corporations. Panelists discuss topics ranging from the implications of the CARES Act to the role of governance.

Steering Towards the Future Zoom Image with Text

A discussion on how nonprofit boards can provide the crucial leadership needed to steer their organizations toward survival.

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Executive Director Patricia Connolly and Rob Main, managing partner at Sustainable Governance Partners, discuss what directors and CEOs need to be thinking about when navigating today's unprecedented times and addressing the business imperatives looming on the horizon.

Patricia Q. Connolly and Raj L. Gupta at the 2018 Directors Dialogue

This new arrangement within the Institute’s Center for Nonprofit Governance will convene top nonprofit board members for practical, informed dialogues.

New Era Image

Gupta Governance Institute Executive Director Patricia Q. Connolly discusses the evolving business environment boards are facing and how directors must adapt to the growing need for change.

Beyond IPO

Venture capitalists (VC) frequently invest in firms that have recently gone public, contrary to the common belief that they only invest in private firms.

 Unique Value Proposition

Valerie M. Jones, CFRE, discusses the value of securing capital using the nonprofit’s UVP.

What Directors are Thinking

Raj L. Gupta, chairman of Aptiv PLC, and Assistant Director Alyssa Abbott discuss what boards and the C-suites of public companies can learn from private equity companies.