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City of Tulsa


G.T. Bynum, Mayor


City of Tulsa



Business Challenge

U.S. cities use open data portals to track and share government performance. The City of Tulsa based performance on outputs such as number of crimes reported and building permits issued. However, matrices didn’t exist for measuring residents’ quality-of-life outcomes, which were of primary interest to the city

Analytics Solution

The City of Tulsa worked with Gallop to design a citizen analytics measurement tool to measure Tulsans’ quality of life. Using survey responses from 4,500 Tulsans, the study examined three questions:

  • Do Tulsans have access to the basic needs and services required to lead healthy, productive and fulfilling lives?
  • Do they view Tulsa as a destination in which to live and work?
  • How do local institutions, organizations and residents contribute to improving their local community?

The tool, known as the Gallup-Tulsa CitiVoice Index, measures and analyzes key behavioral factors that affect Tulsans’ quality of life, such as access to basic needs and services, economic opportunity, and support from local institutions and organizations. City of Tulsa’s leaders use the index to make strategic decisions and performance improvements to the city’s services.


The Gallup-Tulsa CitiVoice Index has helped city leaders understand their citizens’ quality of life and design policies for improving outcomes in the following areas:

  • Providing citizens with opportunities to express views and opinions for city-related decisions and initiatives
  • Obtaining a holistic view of citizens’ perspectives and plans as they related to the city
  • Introducing opportunities for customized solutions for citizens