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3rd Party Instructional Technology Tools

Drexel and LeBow 3rd party tools include the following:

  • Annoto (video analytics, student note-taking and commenting options)
  • Microsoft Forms (surveys, contactless attendance)
  • Microsoft Teams (communications)
  • Poll Everywhere (LeBow only; audience polling and informal assessment)
  • Practice (formerly ApprenNet; video response assignments)
  • Qualtrics (surveys)
  • Teammates (student team peer evaluations)
  • Turnitin (originality checker for assignments and papers)
  • VoiceThread (multimedia discussions and presentations)
  • Yellowdig (gamified class discussion alternative to Blackboard Discussions)
  • Zoom (webinars and remote classes)

For more information on any of these tools, please contact the LeBow Instructional Tech Services team.

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Instructional Technology
